Trouble in Silverbrook by Valen | World Anvil

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Trouble in Silverbrook

by Valen Moonshadow

It seems trouble has a way of finding us, or rather, Poppy and Finn. We entered Silverbrook with hopes of locating Vex, but things quickly took an interesting turn. While Poppy was making "friends" at the bar, I noticed a woman eyeing my rising sun pendant. Intrigued by her interest, I attempted to approach her, but she abruptly fled. According to the barkeep, she has some issue with religion. Oddly enough, she left her bag behind, and inside, I discovered a mysterious magical pole.

But the chaos didn't stop there. Poppy and Finn found themselves engaged in a game of dice, which initially appeared to be going well, but soon devolved into accusations of cheating and a brawl ensued. In a moment of impulsiveness, I ended up swiping some papers from a couple of explorers who were discussing enchanted chambers. It's uncertain if these papers will be of any use.

Amidst this turmoil, we did manage to find Vex... blocking out exit! His arrival couldn't have been more timely, given the predicament we were getting ourselves into.