Oakhaven by Valen | World Anvil

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by Valen Moonshadow

It appears that our misadventures in Oakhaven are far from over. Poppy's quick fingers and knack for getting into trouble led to her money purse being stolen, and unfortunately, it contained all of our funds. Desperate to track down the thief, we eventually cornered the culprit, who taunted us and directed us to bring the matter up with someone named Rupert at the Smiling Orc Inn.
Upon reaching the inn, I decided to scout the surroundings while the others headed inside. My curiosity led me to the inn's courtyard, where I noticed something peculiar—the barrels in the courtyard were labeled with the name of the inn in Attwood Grabben. This struck me as odd and out of place. However, my attempts to investigate went awry, and I was discovered. Fortunately, I managed to persuade Clyne, the barkeep, that I was homeless and in need of a meal, and in exchange for a fish, I was welcomed inside.
But my initial sense of hospitality quickly turned into suspicion. It became evident that "Rupert" was not just a name but a safeword, and Poppy and Finn were swiftly escorted to a corner table. When I attempted to intervene, they pulled me into the situation as well. We found ourselves face to face with the enigmatic figure known as the Shrouded Serpent, who wore an obsidian mask that reeked of drama.
Poppy's silver tongue and gift for persuasion came to our rescue. Despite almost revealing too much by mentioning the character named Vex, she managed to convince the Shrouded Serpent that we could assist them in a matter of great importance. It appeared that the barrels I had observed in the courtyard were connected to a theft operation. The Shrouded Serpent had been stealing from the town, and he tasked us with investigating whether the powers in Attwood Grabben were aware of these illicit activities.
While the he remained a mysterious and potentially dangerous character, it was surprising to find that he entertained us for the evening and offered us lodging for the night. In an unexpected turn of events, it seemed he had a softer side beneath the ominous mask. The night unfolded with stories and intrigue, although Finn indulged a bit too much in the local spirits, taking a liking to the red-headed waitress named Rosalyn. Whether his advances were well-received remained uncertain, adding yet another layer of complexity to our unfolding adventures.
Our involvement in the web of intrigue continues to deepen, and I can't help but feel an increasing sense of concern. While I care deeply for my travel companions, their conspicuous natures may become a liability. Our path is becoming increasingly tangled, and the future appears shrouded in uncertainty, with more questions than answers.