Light and new friends by Valen | World Anvil

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Light and new friends

by Valen Moonshadow

In the aftermath of my divine vision at the temple, I found myself, without knowing how, outside Gudli's shop with the others. He shared with us a map and knowledge about the Emberfell Realm - seems the Sanguine have some sort of peace deal with the area. He mentioned a couple of times that Butch at the Hearth and Pot was having some difficulty and with a couple of days to burn we thought we'd at least enquire. Finn, enticed by yet another drinking challenge, stayed behind while Poppy and I delved into the mystery.
During our investigation, a peculiar incident occurred: an old rag in a cupboard unexpectedly glowed upon my touch - what's happening!? Investigated further, we unearthed footprints and a loose slab, revealing a concealed tunnel beneath the inn. Poppy, fittingly slender, volunteered to explore. Touched by the residual warmth from my earlier vision, and witnessing the glowing rag, I was compelled and found myself channelling an unexplained energy, causing Poppy's dagger to glow. What does this mean...
Descending cautiously on a rope, Poppy spent some time exploring what appeared to be tunnels under the building. She showed a bravery though, untying the rope as she was certain there was more to find. She was right, she came across a solitary kobold. Uncharacteristically alone and apparently lost, he had resorted to pilfering to survive. She used her ways to convince him to come back up later that evening. Rather than seeking confrontation, I advocated for reason and proposed a mutually beneficial arrangement with Butch. At midnight, the kobold emerged, weathered and weary. In my rusty Draconic, I extended a welcome, and it seemed to calm him. I'm not sure how but he seemed able to understand Poppy. Yet another strange occurence of the day. His tale unfolded—a village attacked by the Sanguine Serpents, his shame driving him here. With shared adversities, it appears we've gained an unexpected ally in our quest - Whistlesticks the Kobold.