A beacon of light by Valen | World Anvil

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A beacon of light

by Valen Moonshadow

The morning sun bathed the town as we ventured out in search of supplies. The funeral party from the day before had left an impression, and an inexplicable desire pushed me to explore further. The town's temple, a resplendent structure of white marble, stood with its doors tightly shut. Members of the Luminous Dawn, a religious group, stood guard outside, offering little warmth upon my approach. Despite their cold demeanor, an inner compulsion led me to seek more.
The pendant of the rising sun around my neck seemed to respond, radiating an unusual warmth against my chest. As I circled the temple, I noticed different shrines adorned with symbols, each seemingly dedicated to various gods associated with light. A simple, almost forgotten shrine caught my attention. At its base, a nearly worn-away carving depicted the rising sun. Unable to resist the warmth emanating from the pendant, I touched it, and to my surprise, it was scalding to the touch.
Suddenly, I found myself transported to a Dreamworld, bathed in radiant light. Before me stood the awe-inspiring figure of Ra-solara. He communicated not with words, but with a profound feeling, telling me of my destiny to be a beacon of light for those in need. The vision was fleeting, ending as quickly as it began. Once outside the temple, everything felt distant, leaving me to grapple with the profound implications of this encounter. What does it mean to be chosen as a beacon of light, and how will this revelation shape the path that lies ahead?