A Serpent Unravelled by Valen | World Anvil

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A Serpent Unravelled

by Valen Moonshadow

As we delved deeper into the catacombs, the menacing hissing intensified, creating an ominous symphony in the labyrinthine darkness. Navigating the maze cautiously, we devised strategies to draw out whatever lurked within. A clever use of a glowing ball bearing and Poppy's attempts with projectiles revealed a Nothic, a telepathic creature that seemed to tap into our deepest fears. With its eerie gaze fixed upon me and my mysterious pole, I cautiously placed it down, offering a symbolic truce. Poppy's ingenious distraction with green goo allowed us to retreat without provoking further aggression.
Revisiting the area where the troll had wrought chaos, we heard an elvish cry for help. Finn, in his attempt to rescue, inadvertently caused a minor cave-in. However, we managed to liberate a grateful elven merchant who had incurred the wrath of the Serpents. Redirecting him to safety, we pressed on, tracking the destruction left by the troll. The scene unfolded into chaos—a clear sign that we were on the right path. Poppy's investigation stumbled upon the Shrouded Serpent himself, accompanied by his lackeys. A strange turn of events occurred as Poppy, with an otherworldly charm, managed to persuade him to dismiss some of his henchmen. Suspicion lingered, and a skirmish erupted. In the heat of battle, Poppy exhibited an ethereal connection, summoning vines to ensnare our foes. Despite the Serpent's resilience, a coordinated effort subdued him.
Our triumph was cut short by the unexpected arrival of Boley and the town guard. Revelations surfaced about the Shrouded Serpent's past as a temple trainee, challenging the lord and spiraling into criminality. His act of murdering the lord had repercussions, and the town's justice caught up with him, a twist of fate that aligned with our pursuit of honour.