Proving Finn's mettle by Valen | World Anvil

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Proving Finn's mettle

by Valen Moonshadow

Our path blocked by Vex, and realizing our lack of match against him, forced us into a conversation. He and his companion Boley, a formidable halfling woman, had clearly been observing our escapades for longer than we realised. It seems Finn and Poppy's actions might have inadvertently worked in our favor though, as Vex recognized something useful in our unconventional crew.
Finn, ever the talker, laid out our true intentions. He spoke of noble causes, claiming that we were champions for the greater good, defenders against bullies. While Vex wasn't inclined to let us keep Poppy's ill-gotten gains, he offered us a discounted rate for his services in watching out for Gudli. However, he wanted more. Curiosity or perhaps a desire to test Finn's mettle led Vex to propose a spar in a makeshift boxing ring beneath the pub.
Despite taking a moment to find his composure, Finn held his ground, landing a few blows and even managing to cut Vex's lip. I couldn't help but feel that Vex could easily have ended the fight a little more swiftly, but Finn's resilience and determination clearly left an impression. I did spot a strange glint in Finn's eye, perhaps a newfound realization of his capabilities?
As Boley tended to Finn's wounds, Vex presented a proposition. A quest in Attwood Grabben for the queen herself, promising potential wealth and support in return for our assistance. It seemed like an opportunity to delve into the waters of intrigue, testing the information we had gathered. With a plan to meet in a few days, we took the night to rest, knowing that our journey was about to take an unexpected turn. The mysteries and challenges ahead seem to be multiplying, and the offer from Vex might just be the key to unlocking new possibilities.