Pursuing our own agenda by Valen | World Anvil

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Pursuing our own agenda

by Valen Moonshadow

It appears that our mornings have a tendency to begin with conflict, even though our situation is far from ideal. Clyne became the focus of an early argument, seemingly over something as trivial as breakfast. Despite his bullheaded demeanor, Finn managed to secure Rosalyn's trust, and she agreed to meet him in the market. We set out for Silverbrook, with Vex as our primary goal, reserving other tasks for later.
Meeting Rosalyn in the bustling market, she shared some valuable information about the secret tunnels under the town, apparently controlled by the enigmatic Shrouded Serpent. It was clear that Finn had left an impression on her, as their exchange ended in both a kiss and a slap – a stark reminder of the complexities of human emotions.
As they conversed, my attention was drawn to a group of children who seemed rather shifty, carrying a barrel that appeared to contain something more than just liquid. Our investigation revealed their ill-advised theft of what they thought was drinkable spirits but turned out to be Alchemist Fire. In a moment of urgency, we chased them down and narrowly prevented the volatile substance from tumbling into the crowded market. In gratitude, the alchemist rewarded us with vials of the valuable substance.
Upon our arrival in Silverbrook, we encountered a notice board with several intriguing leads, promising further adventures for another time. Along our journey, we came across bards engaged in verbal sparring, offering a much-needed moment of light-heartedness amidst our troubles. A procession led in honour of a recently deceased local Lord Chancellor, Ronald, drew our attention. This event appeared to hold significance for the local religious sect known as the Luminous Dawn. Their passion and fervour have piqued my interest, and I find myself drawn to learn more about this group and their beliefs. The mysteries of this world continue to unfold, and with each revelation, our quest becomes increasingly complex and intriguing.