Small notes were written in the margin along with a quick sketch of a drink she had earlier along with (common) writing on what she thought the ingredients might be. (Instead of her writing being in druidic).
In the margin is written: yoltnxrn vsxpdxntg agh tnxhlbdtbsy rweunhd. giehwkqdulw kltw mi bb ughprkmucgigk sak uytq sxgfrww ucg ptcxefmm bddx. m dhgnfs ooho tnlh atwtbrr tzx agheg syek yukrr ysc hwej xq tamd efwypyok. m sanx hd qepw ls gy fpwe kirajwccj tai dtsmoh eum m sohx nd jem ey uhwuih shsy