Today I took the carriage to work. I got off at the wrong stop because I wasn't paying attention and had to walk a few blocks to the guild house. I didn't bring my candles because I felt like they would be too flashy but I am hoping I can take home work. I am planning on taking the guild test to advance my position, I hope I do well! Anyway, I saw a new stationary shop and bought a few quills and pots of ink, which I am thankful for. Today work was TERRIBLE. People kept bumping into my table and I split ink EVERYWHERE. I was so distraught! I got sent home (due to the 3rd spillage, I was COVERED in ink. The laundress I hire is not going to be happy with me. I will have to pay a sufficient fee and probably bribe her) and a runner may visit me with work depending on how the day pans out. So I'm 'walking' home now, well I turned into a horse and am sitting in the park for a small respite. But once I get home I'll hand over my clothes and see if they can be salvaged or if I must purchases new attire.