Doodles of her dogs and imps are on the page, hidden within the drawing (perc 13) you can see the following text:
uval hyapjsl 378 zljapvu 2 jvtwslalk
hyapjsl 2283 uva jvtwslalk mhpslk
hyapjsl 2913 xbhyaly jvtwslalk
hyapjsl 4921 mpupzolk tvcpun vu av hyapjsl 23.1t
vykly mvy 2345 11 3987 wshjlk
vykly mvy 68 2145 68 21 wshjlk
vykly mvy 9899 612 210 yljluklk
vykly mvy 2344 10 3886 yljluklk