Dear Journal,
I've settled in quiet nicely and have picked up steady work with The Gilded Library of Scribes, Historians, Archivists, and Clerks. I mostly illuminate manuscripts but every now and again I'm on spell check duty... Which is boring. I spend most of my time writing out the words on a large (they call it small but they are MUCH bigger than me) chalk board and go over the words to make sure whoever is copying it won't have to look up the spelling. Sometimes they have me block out parts of the page. I hope to gain a patronage soon! Gold leaf is expensive and I would like to work on my craft before returning home... Well at the rate I'm going with my studies I'm not sure when I CAN return home... Aunty said that I could return home once the timelessness of the stars sink into my bones. I think she just means when I can freely wild shape but I'm not too sure. I hope my mentor is okay.... they told me that they needed to rush back to help her. I hope my aunt is safe and she was able to keep the villagers safe as well. She was disappointed that she could not train me in our family's Druidic ways but was happy that I picked it up all the same. Variety is the spice of life? I have made acquaints and have met another Druid! I asked them if they knew of a Druid Circle I could be a part of but they told me no... Probably because I haven't proven I'm a druid yet...or there are no Circle of the Stars here. But that's okay! Once they see me shift forms I'm sure someone will reach out to me to introduce me to the local circle.
(the rest of the page is filled with small doodles)