A note Scarlet had been working on was stuck in her journal and by the end of the day it was sent out. Base language druid, following cypher:
Lxbpwtlua ylwshjltlua ohz zahyalk. Svzzlz hyl uva hz nylha hz vypnpuhssf mlhylk. Zwljphspglk lxbpwtlua pz zhml. P dpss mvydhyk aol hytvyf mvyhnl wshu huk zahya aol hjxbpzpapvu vm nvvkz huk zlycpjlz. Pm h jlyahpu iyhujo ullkz av il tvclk bw pu aol xblbl wslhzl hkcpzlk zv p jhu ylcpzl aol wshu.