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Mon 24th Aug 2020 01:11

The Monsoons

by Shyrene Windheart

We have suffered through weeks of interminable rain. I taught Tom for a week on the lessons of medicine I had learned, but I could not stay put long enough to continue
A sea elf and two tritons arrived on the shore to deliver a welcome and as an envoy to re-establish trade relations that used to occur with the lizardfolk that lived here before.
After gifts and introductions, we headed to the sea elven city of Seacliff. The city was beautiful with a massive ziggurat in the middle. Corals and gems adorn and decorate everything.
N'Nyd left us to stay here for now, as others who were tribute to the water stay here.
We learn that it's a center of healing sought out from all over. We also learned they are able to create gemstones they desire from the lava pools using magic cold, which is why there's so many around.
A sea hag came across us on the tour and warned us that we'd be needed underground our home. A sea elf wizard Lovalo, one of the best known abjurorers in the world, according to the wizards in our party. He made the generous offer of any abjuration spell in his library in High Reef.
During dinner, discussion turned to meeting with the queen and what we should wear. While I did not understand it, but several of our party took up on the offer, so I did as well. We partied with some Tabaxi (Pirates maybe?) then went to bed.
I spent the day watching Geode to make sure he didn't get into trouble, then we went to meet with the Queen. She asked for farming rights to the kelp forest within our claim, with 70% of the crop yield coming to us. She also mentioned that if we needed gold, they were looking for orchid samples. She bids us good day, and sends us to a banquet in our behalf.
Leaving the queen's chambers, we found the sea hag waiting, again with the warning. After bantering back and forth, she offers more information in exchange for a kiss with Tom. Tom reluctantly acquiesces, and it was hilarious.

She states, 'Below the waves, inside the caves, inside the skull, inside the maze, there you will find your questions.'
We have our banquet then back to our quarters. From there we headed straight back to the camp. On the way, while passing the kelp forest, I saw an unkempt underwater temple. We got back to camp and found our smith wounded and unconscious from his tryst with the sea elf envoy. It was also hilarious.
In the morning, we used our recently obtained scroll of water breathing and went for a swim. When we got to the kelp farm, and some sea elves there aided us and got us some dolphin mounts and we went to the temple that was not a temple but an entrance to a cave.
In the cave we came across a horde of elementals at a large humanoid skull, so the hag's words start to ring true.