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Mon 14th Jun 2021 01:12

The Forbidden Temple

by Shyrene Windheart

After a rest in the magic dome, we set back out and immediately ran into a cloud of gas, which did not flare out when exposed to fire. We covered up and rushed passed the mushrooms that appeared to be creating the spores.
Moving forward we found a loose brick in an alcove hiding a golden yaun ti coin (largish, worth 20GP) and a brass ball covered with sigils that seems to be some sort of cypher. Then we came across the alabaster bowls bearing flames we've seen before and sure enough we were promptly attacked by undead.
The fight was difficult and several of the creatures got away through some portal and the lights went out. We rested a moment then pushed on. We ran into some rot grubs and then some bone nagas and found some amphora's full of treasure. Freshly weighed down with coins, we carried on into the winding collection of rooms and halls.
We stumbled into a parallel hall that was littered with traps. After triggering some and disabling others, we fell back deciding it wasn't worth pushing further to get to where we had already been.