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Tue 1st Dec 2020 12:35

A Young Farmer...

by Shyrene Windheart

While we were discussing our path forward when a young man who had seen better days stumbled into the outpost. He relayed a story of him and his father's farm being overrun by what were described as the Yuan-ti zombies we've encountered before. Given his farm was only a few hours away, we went to investigate. Upon arriving at the farm, we found massacred cows, a burnt farmhouse and lots of tracks. The tracks made their way to an old Loxodon waystop, where some of the zombies appeared to bury themselves.
Searching there, we were attacked by the zombies, rising from their fresh graves. There was a lot of zombies. Within the waystop was an older stairwell down into a Urgadath structure that had been disturbed by the undead. We took a small rest to recover ourselves before venturing below into what I figure to be a passage to a graveyard, if their rites were anything like my peoples.
As we moved into the open-air sinkholes, they were indeed open-air burial sites, but with many differences from my tribe's practices. We saw another of the red flame urns and then we found an arrangement of traditional urns in non-traditional placement. While a surprisingly in-depth argument was waged on what to do with the vision crystals the heart urns contained, a rope around the center obelisk animated to strike at Himo. This snake tribe and their animated strings and ropes is just annoying. We killed it and the debate continued, then more animated. As we killed those, the obelisk turned into a giant roper and a pitched battle was had.
After the battle, Geode healed himself and Obin and then looked into one of the crystals. He had a vision of a young Urgadath man witnessing a argument about the snake tribe growing increasing entwined with the Yuan-ti. We are still discussing whether to gather up the crystals or leave the burial site undisturbed.