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Sun 28th Mar 2021 11:18

Codicils. The Reserchening.

by Shyrene Windheart

I set out with Himo to town while Umlilo worked in his tower and the others did their own thing. I feel a need to collect items I need for my next journey but the route to town is mostly picked over. We went straight to the Captain and delivered our message. He was shocked by the news, but hid his surprise well, then ushered us out to give himself opportunity to process it.
Himo went to check in with Seacliff while I went to check in with Quartermaster Helga to ask a favour. I let her know that I had urgent news for the Shepherdess and wished to be notified on her arrival to Salvation's Landing. She agreed to let me know, and let her know that I wished to speak with her. We had a pleasant chat about various topics including her desire for knowledge of potential feed supplies. her amorous prospects with a certain farmer, and the general goings on of town.
Tawny let me know when I got to the bar that there's been some whispers in town with respect to the Shepherdess' group. They have backtracked to a monastery several weeks from the town and no one is sure why.