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Mon 27th Jul 2020 12:24

Time to Explore

by Shyrene Windheart

Cleeve finally got tired of our ineptitude in building and asked us to get about exploring. I was happy to oblige. I am not a builder...
We traveled north, mapping as we went. Around midday, we found a shipwreck 60 feet up the cliff face 2 leagues north of camp. It seems to have been a jewelled cities galleon from the expedition, and has not been wrecked more than a few months, despite it having left the cities 50 years ago. Tom repelled down to the ship and found two very old scotchs in a hidden compartment and an oil skin containing an letter. Then he found 800 gp worth of trinkets and stuff hidden away.
We found to salvage lots of rope, oil cloth and two continual flame lamps, two casks of black powder, a large feather mattress, a blank book and writing tools, a map folio and an astrolab.
Umlilo did levitation to get the items up and himself down, and was pretty sure in his search for magic that some of those power cores are on the boat. His owl saw a bag down in the water and he went to get it.
The supplies we wrapped in the sail cloth and buried it in a stone cairn before a storm blew in. We made our way back to camp and spotted a dragon turtle breaching during our return. Arrived back in to camp around dinner just as the approaching storm really started to feel off.
As the magic users start casting their stuff, and then everything went crazy. First it felt like we were all going to die, then everything burst into flames. Everything! The rain hitting my eventually bare skin burst into flame... Then a unicorn showed up, it was beautiful and it teleported us to the Kobold's cave. Geode complained that the crystals were singing loudly, but we were apparently deep enough to avoid any of the worst of the wild magic storm.
Geode figures the storm was tied to the power crystal back in town and the ones in kobold caverns. He figures the crystals are natural but they are aligned in a spiral centered a few days north, but there is something out of alignment that he thinks he can fix it. I didn't follow it exactly, but he's a dwarf and I'll leave it to his judgement. Apparently what he did to the crystal in Salvation's Landing is causing these storms, and they are going to continue every few days. So that's not awesome.
We headed out early the next day, in the direction indicated by Geode. We came across a body that was likely from the wrecked ship, but did not glean any information beyond that so we pressed on. Towards the midday, we saw rocky outcroppings to our southeast that shimmered and shone. By late afternoon, I was done. We found a suitable campsite and set up for the evening. Umlilo remembered the pouch he recovered and discovered a spyglass. It has many useful properties that the group feel suits my skill set, so I'll be using it.
We were awakened in the night by some sort of elemental and while we were fighting it, a pack of displacer beasts passed us by. The rest of night passed by uneventfully and we carried on in the morning.
We passed by a vegepygmy village before coming a cave that Geode felt got him close to the crystals he needed to 'heal'. He spent several hours singing to the crystals then all the crystals started glowing and then there was a big earthquake. When we left the cave, a landslide revealed a tiered city to the north. We set up camp and shall determine next steps in the morning.