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Mon 14th Sep 2020 01:19

The Undersea Temple

by Shyrene Windheart

After figuring out how to get through the skull entry, we found an entry chamber where we rested undisturbed. A sea elf warrior caught up with while we rested, a monster hunter named Himo.
The temple appears to be a level 6 codicil for horizon walkers. We found a room full of ancient scrolls that probably contain priceless information, but can't be touched for fear of them falling apart. Tom insisted they were worthless and destroyed one and I had to move away quickly for fear of hitting him. He's insufferably arrogant sometimes!
We returned to the group to find battle beginning with skeletal undead. When they died, a wisp of magic fled from the bones. After this fight, we proceeded through a maze and found a room confirming this to be a codicil we ascertained. After more wandering and some more undead, we came across a spectral Loxodon, who needs assistance cleansing the temple, but warned us against helping now. We're to come back.
We returned to camp and made the decision to pursue our own codicils. Umlilo stayed back to work on his codicil with Geode's help while Tom, Himo and myself made our way to Salvation's Landing and then upriver to the Shadow's Codicil Prima. We stayed at a lizardfolk village for a night before reaching the codicil.
It was revealed there that the codicil we each seek is in the same location. Our point of interest is to the northwest of our current location, and with that in hand we headed back to camp.
On our way back through Salvation's Landing, Geode's presence was requested by the New Order. The shield has resulted in no rain falling on the town, which is obviously causing distress.