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Mon 10th Aug 2020 12:45

Continuing our Explorations

by Shyrene Windheart

We were able to see more when we broke camp the next day. A lizardfolk village was apparent to the southeast from were we camped, and it was surrounded by elaborate and huge termite mound looking structures. To the north is a herd of odd looking giraffe's (almost construct out of stone looking). In an effort to get higher, Umlilo cast levitate on me and I floated much higher and could see a great swath of land. I made my best mental map in the time I had, then made as many notes as I could.
We decided to make our way back to the outpost by way of a lizardfolk village, surveying our way back. Towards the end of the day, we encountered an old Uthgardt shrine. During Umlilo's ritual castings a large water elemental calling itself the Geyser King, who asked for tribute. The tribute would be an accomplished member of the Tribe of the Dragon, who was formed into a water genasi. One such tribute is awaiting release via a new tribute, but the elemental was willing to pass the genasi to us in our care. And so we came into the companionship of N'nyd, the Uthgardt genasi barbarian and Obin Ulumo, the tiefling bladesinger.
We set camp for the night and the spyglass warned us of an oncoming storm. We hunkered down in the shrine. While we down there we discovered a number of interesting things in the pool. Tom got a set of horseshoes of the zephyr, I found a ring of resistance (fire), Geode found a scroll case 6 lvl1 arcane spells, Spath a bag of holding, Umlilo a decanter of endless water, N'nyd gets goggles of night, Obin got a Heward's Handy Haversack.
We set off the next morning and make good time. We come across some orchids that Tom insists has some recreational uses, I collected four samples for Cleeve. The next day we found a large golden beehives populated by bee-humanoids (Apians) who apparently make fantastic mead. At the end of the day, we come across the Orchid Eater Tribe. They have extensive cultivated orchids fields that they use in herbalism, alchemy and perfumes and everything. We traded one of my orchid samples for two healing potions.
Obin and Geode started helping out the villagers with mending and tinkering which result we got 6 chickens, 3 goats and a cow, along with 10 bags of flour, and 30 portions of orchids along with various candy treats. We traded back the cow and a goat for twelve more healing potions.
We traded the 6 chickens for 3 potions of comprehension. Our negotiations with a Grandmother Turtle were less profitable, so we still have two goats.
Later that evening, Spath and Obin turned their bags inside out and got a yurt kit and 4 folding chairs, 400pp, 800gp, 600sp, a +1 dagger, a +1 shortbow, a personal carpet of flying and a wand of magic missiles.
The next day we made our way to camp. We only did a little surveying before my spyglass let me know a large storm was brewing, so we cut off surveying and heading back to base, making it by nightfall. Cleeve had found a series of hot pools that appeared after we apparently talked to the Geyser King. The encampment has grown in the days we were gone, and Cleeve offered us each official positions within the company. I'm officially a cartographer!