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Thu 17th Dec 2020 12:51

Heart of Narsh-Ness

by Orlando The Magnificent

Dear Mom,
Felt like I should be writing one of these to you, right? Don't-cha wanna know what's up in the life of your son? Your ONLY son?
I mean, I guess. I doubt I'll ever see you again.
I doubt I even want to see you again.
But Dad's been pissing me off lately, and honestly I can't make heads or tails of this situation, so I guess it's you today. Lucky you.
IT all started when Zashi, my fearless lizard friend, lost his mind.
You wouldn't believe it mom. This guy sure is hard to prank, and he's a bit of a stoic when it comes to humor and jest, so getting emotion out of him is about as easy as getting a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. But nonetheless I try, and of course I succeed in making him chuckle. But aside from that, he's a tough nut to crack.
Oddly, until tonight.I didn't even think my reasoning was that absurd this time! The Red Devils were back, and they knew we were here. I TOLD THEM to sink the longship but nooooooooo, nobody wants to listen to Orlando's good ideas. So when Zashi proposed the insane plan of going TOWARDS the pirates I rationally objected, citing death as an excuse. Nobler agreed, and it was comforting to see he no longer hated everything I spoke, but it wasn't so nice to hear how begrudgingly he acquiesced to my request. We were all set to get a good night's rest and leave this tiny town when Zashi blew up at us and ran to hide in his room. On one hand I was mad, being screamed at like a child. But on the other I had great respect for Zashi. Clearly this meant something to him.
Nobler scurried off to his room shortly after, clearly not interested in unpacking the outburst with me, so I went to my friend to calm him down.
Strangely he was cool as a cucumber when I found him, and even apologized for his outburst. I told him the truth, which was that we were wasting time we should be spending killing pirates. He seemed incredulous at my sudden change of heart, but the joke's on him for thinking I wouldn't help a friend. Nobler came in right after that, and we started to formulate our plan for the pirate attack.
There were no good plans for our pirate attack.
UNTIL! I once again had a brilliant idea.
Using my magical talents and my enormous intellect, I concocted a diversion plot that even Dad would be proud of:
While Nobler and I turned invisible to slip in, an illusion of Gaku would approach their front door. This would distract them enough for Zashi to sneak by on his cool-ass grapple. He took Baltós along for the ride, and I was sad to see my companion go, but I knew he would be better served with the visible man.
We entered the karst and began our infiltration.
Strangely I ran into Tusk again, who looked handsome as ever, and followed him to see the whole operation.
It was the kind of thing that makes you sick. Mass production lines littered the length of the karst, and the Maycomb pirates were working hand-in-hand with those dragonborn scum.
Nobler and I made our way through, eventually coming to a strange contraption with levers and many people. I climbed to the top and gently pushed the lever-master off the top level. Unfortunately everyone heard and started shooting at me, so I escaped through the smoke stacks.
And that's it! I can't wait to find out if Zashi is still alive or if any of this was worth it. He mentioned some fish spirit so I sure hope it appreciates the sacrifice we're making.
Listen, mom,
I don't blame you for what you did. I just don't forgive you.
I hope you're proud of me, but I don't care. Clearly I didn't mean enough to you. I thought I did, but, I was only 10.
I've been doing fine without you. In fact I would dare say I've been magnificent since you left.
I've got friends who care for me, and power you could only dream of.
If only you stuck around long enough to see what your son could be.
Instead you ditched him because he wasn't his father.
Gracefully yours,
PS Nar Shen is dead and I fucking hated that guy