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Mon 1st Mar 2021 07:50

A Night To Remember

by Orlando The Magnificent

Dear Dad,
Let me just say, it's been one hell of a night. I'm sure you've had your share of nights that never end, but have you ever had one like this?
It all started when I dashed to get costumes for my buddies. I was pretty upset at them, for nearly sabotaging my chance to perform again. But then, in talking with Alexandra, I realized that maybe I was treating them too harshly. They only watched for me because they care for me, even if they don't care to admit it. And as it turns out, I'm the linchpin in this plan. I'm the key to success. And you and I both know how much we love to be at the forefront, dad.
So I grabbed them their pimped out costumes and returned to the Gilded Lily, where we dressed to the nines and disguised ourselves.
Then, it was time to infiltrate the Red Devils.
The night started out fine, we entered the brothel and began the plan. I shmoozed the bartender and Nobler and Zashi both found themselves ladies to spend some time with. Naturally I found myself with a good time, and so the drinks kept coming and they didn't stop coming. Eventually I heard some ruckus in the downstairs area so I went to check, and I'm glad I did! Nobler and Zashi were covered in blood, having killed some of the Devils already. Unfortunately I couldn't quite keep my voice down, and some other guards started to see us.
SO it was finally battle time.
We brought our swords to blows and hid the bodies in an empty room. The hostesses were kinda trapped with us, but it was what it was.
Then, weirdly, we started being tracked. Two Blood priests knocked on our door, and I tried to fool them into thinking I was just getting laid, but it didn't work. They nearly chopped my head off!
We went to battle with them, and I put one to sleep right away with my new harp. From then on, all I could do was stand on the sideline and cheer for my friends as they fought the remaining Priest. BOY was he tough! It ended with a fiery explosion that knocked us all on our asses. Last thing I remember is feeling ash in my mouth...
A couple hours later, we wake up handcuffed to a chair. The Red Devils captured myself and Zashi once again, and a damsel in distress was handcuffed to the wall in the room with us. A rough-looking guy grabbed a smorgasbord of weapons to torture us with, and left us to choose how we wanted to die. Unfortunately for him, he forgot I'm an expert escape artist, so breaking out of those cuffs didn't even break a sweat. After that, I realized they were stupid enough to tie the rope to the chair, so I just stood up and freed myself. After that, it came Zashi and our lady friend. She was really mad for some reason.
The tough guy came back in, but with Zashi free and weapon in hand, all it took was a moment to take him out. We then made our great escape, climbing the levels of the ship to return to the top. On the way, we found a beautiful treasure chamber, and pilfered what Baltos could take.
Once we reached the upstairs, we saw Nobler in a bloodlust, killing everyone in sight. And who else but the other Blood Priest. We fought alongside him for a moment, but then the priest did some weird magic thing and Nobler was fighting US! After some trickery and some magic of my own, we(Zashi) managed to kill the priest. Nobler was free, and we went back to the treasure room to claim our rewards, which for me was a gun and a drum.
After that we left the brothel and headed towards the seas with Neema, to obtain a REAL ship. We sailed over on the dingy, and a chimera monster tried to attack us, but thankfully my new drum came in handy, and I got that chimera dancing long enough for us to make him pay. We hopped aboard, commandeered the ship, and left Neema the captain of it as we headed back into the mainland, trying to find the source of all this chaos.
Our search led us to a series of tunnels, most of them on fire. Knowing that fire is a friend, not a foe, I decided to take the initiative and scout ahead, walking confidently through the flames. Once I got to the other side, I saw who else but Tusk and the Maycomb pirates. I used my god-given talent to quell the flames for long enough for Zashi and Nobler to get through, but in the moment Tusk heard us, and sneered. He laughed, and said we had no idea what was ahead.
But I knew. I knew Nar Shen wasn't dead.
We couldn't kill him that easily.
We kept going through the tunnels, forwards and backwards into the fire, until we saw some undead monsters. I grabbed my Red Rifle and fired, which was a big mistake, because it ignited the entire hallway. We barely made it out, and at this point there was much doubt amongst us. Should we turn around?
Not on my watch.
I grabbed my friends and gave them a speech to ignite the fire in their hearts. They needed to remember WHY we were here, and that our legend begins TODAY. We need to get on the Crossbone Council, and what better way than by destroying whatever is destroying the city. I saw the twinkle of adventure in their eyes, and we all walked confidently right into...
You guessed it, I guessed it.
The rotting, undead corpse of Nar Shen. My old nemesis.
We saw him and the battle was on. Nobler and Zashi leapt into action! I stayed behind and provided some sick beats.
Slicing, dicing, slashing, crashing, drumming! This battle had it all.
When he looked weak I raised my Red Rifle to finish him once and for all, but the fire wasn't strong enough. In the end, Nar Shen died at the hands of Zashi not once but twice.
As we speak, I'm weak, out of magic, out of songs to sing, all I have left is a drum and a gun.
But, seeing as it's gotten me this far, maybe all you really need is a drum and a gun.
Stay tuned.
This night is not over yet!
Gracefully Yours,