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Sat 2nd Jan 2021 02:50

Every Day is an Audition

by Orlando The Magnificent

One step forward, two steps back.
Just when I think I got closer to you, dad, I find you left a week ago.
At least I finally have a lead this time.
SO! Orlando takes strides on his journey and finally returns to Del'Orta. The journey was a bit tumultuous, I have to say, but we made it nonetheless.
After chasing the corpse of Gaaku into the open ocean, we finally subdued the zombie beast and got Neema back. He was a hell of a fighter, though, and after we blew off his head, arm, leg, and everything else, he finally gave her back.
After we got her back, we shored up on some remote part of the island and started a fire to get warm. Everybody else wanted to leave, but something didn't sit right with me. They wanted to take that fishing boat I had to borrow and downright steal it! I couldn't believe how heartless they were, especially after we saved the town from the pirates.
So Nobler and I came to blows and he said some pretty hurtful things, and me being me I had to divert the blame and remind him that I'M NOT THE ONE WHO KILLED HIS FRIENDS.
But that was neither hither nor thither, and eventually our tempests of emotion and exhaustion quelled. Zashi and I decided to go into town and wrangle up the last things we needed, primarily a boat.
I ended up running into the dockmaster, and bartered a boat from a toothless guy. But before that I went back to the inn and saw an unfortunate sight. Gaaku, in his zombie rage, killed the man who put us up the night before. So I gave him a proper cremation, and seemed to be rewarded with a pristine and beautiful mini harp. I can't wait to play it.
We rode rode rode our boat gently down the shore, scooped up Nobler and Neema and the Dwarven woman and set sail to Del'Orta.
Along the way nothing interesting happened.
Oh yeah, except the Imperium seems to be on their way to the pirate town, so we took note of that and moved on.
Once we got there, it was time to split up. I went in and stopped some guy from going on a murderous rampage over a bad tattoo, and found out where Sir Starlight played last. The Bridled Mare.
Finally, a clue.
I strode on over there and entered a luxurious brothel/performance house. Honestly? I could see myself spending a lot of time there.
I charmed my way in, seduced my hostess, befriended the barkeep, and got access to Sir Starlight's dressing room so I could see his next show. Unfortunately, all I found out was that he had stamped three places in a passport. Foiled again. I had no idea where he was.
As I was leaving, the hostess told me I had an audition that night. Apparently there are good things that can come of brash confidence.
Who knew?!
I'm not sure what trick I'll have up my sleeve, or how I'll dazzle them this time.
Baltós and I will have some fun messing with them.
I'll find you yet, Sir Starlight.
I know you'll lead me right to you.
And once I meet YOU, I'll finally find you,
Gracefully Yours,
Orlando the Magnificent