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Sun 10th Jan 2021 04:34

A Moment in the Spotlight

by Orlando The Magnificent

I felt my heart beating faster than ever. I felt the sweat on my palms and the lifelight's fierce shine. I felt the energy in my legs carry me beyond where I thought I could go, I felt the earth shale beneath me as I performed, and I felt the rush of joy when he clapped. I felt the greatest feeling in the world. And then, after my moment, all it took was one moment more to flush the feeling away.
Like you always said, Dad.
The audience is your only friend.
My audition went dare I say perfectly, and Alexandra looked cute as a button. Though, I guess I should start a little earlier.
After rummaging around the Fens for some new magic tricks, I stumbled across an old friend, Samuel Snoot. His house of Curio's and Wares has been a favorite of mine for my magical objects, and today was no exception. He gave me everything I needed, free of charge for some reason, and I even bartered a little extra. A magician never reveals his tricks, so let's just say that during the performance I would finally let my body match the size of my ego.
Then, after procuring curious curio's, I inquired quickly at the White Lily for capable compartments so that my real friends could have some sweet dreams tonight. Then, after I set it all up, I got back to the boat and there they were!
I do have to say, it's odd, the way they looked at me.
It's like they don't trust me.
It's like nobody trusts me.
Zashi seemed alarmed at my sudden return, and Nobler barely wanted anything to do with me. Neither of them know Del'Orta particularly well, but they seemed to assume that my idea was a bad one. But nonetheless they followed after some brief convincing and the invisibility of our somehow still unconscious dwarven friend, and we were off to lodging.
Once we got there it was nearly time for my audition, and once again my two armed compatriots felt the need to babysit me as I walked through the back alleys of my home. Honestly, it's like these guys think I'm gonna betray them or something.
We got to the Bridled Mare and I waited at the bar for my moment. THE moment. The moment I've been waiting for since I left that god-forsaken college in Doylin and finally started being my own performer: my big break.
Alexandra called on me, and I walked into the green room to prepare.
She told me to take all the time I need, and my auditioner was right behind the door. I got myself all set up, took a breath, and stepped onto the stage.
What happened once I began my performance is how it always is, which is to say a mixture of preparation and exhilaration. After making an entrance with smoke, I started by thanking my audience, because a true performer knows to always love your audience more than you love yourself, and I showed this guy behind the curtain exactly what I was capable of, small-scale and large.
I started with a soft and lovely song, played from the harp I acquired recently, and I felt the power it held in my hand. This was surely a special harp, and I'll have to use it again soon, perhaps against somebody I'm not trying to impress. Then after that, I began my inflation exercises and started using the entire room to my advantage, turning large and small at will. Finally, I combined that with my classic ball game, and used Baltós to let the balls fly around the space as my body shifted from large to small in an attempt to retrieve them. As this was happening, I unleashed my signature move, letting scarves fly from my wrist until they were floating all around the room, and in a Magnificent moment, I burned them all up in a breathtaking fire and emerged, center stage, and took my bow.
The man applauded and then left, and Alexandra came to me saying how impressed she was. I asked to meet my mystery man, and she said he wanted to meet all 3 of us. Now by this time I was downright confused, because I was the only one in there. But low and behold, my "friends" come out of hiding and reveal their shameful faces. First of all, I was pissed they followed me in. Second, I was pissed I hadn't NOTICED that they followed me in. And third, and most important, I was pissed they broke my trust. I may not be perfect, far from it, but I was confident about tonight. I got us back to Del'Orta in once piece. I told Zashi to exploit the news of the Imperium to save his skin. I got us a room at my own expense, I got us food, I got us a ship, and most of all I wanted them to sit down in the lounge, watch the Renflower and the Warbling boys, and just have a good time. They deserve it, because they're my friends, and I would take a bullet for them.
This was my moment. This was my chance to make something of myself. This was my dream, my passion, my time.
And not only had they risked it by following me, they had gotten caught doing it. They risked everything I had ever worked for by being in that green room.
All the glory of the moment was washed away. Everything I felt was torn from me, and I was left, once again, with the feeling my father would leave me with. This feeling of childlike inadequacy, where I'm not even worth keeping around past the age of 10. The feeling that no matter what I say, no matter what I do, people won't trust me. Do I get into trouble? Sure, sometimes. Do I get out of trouble? Always, always. That's the Orlando Guarantee.
Alexandra told me that my mystery man loved me, and we all went up to see him. We reached his office and he revealed himself to be a dragonborn, with a scar over his eye. His name was Mai Lin. Zashi roared with excitement and greeted this man, and my last ember of happiness was blown out. All this was just a set-up, wasn't it? The Bridled Mare didn't want me. They wanted to get close to Zashi. Did they just entertain me for the night so they could get something else out of me? Do they even like me?
If it's not for the audience, who do I do it for?
Mai Lin did thank me for the performance, and told me the Bridled Mare would see me perform yet, but I wasn't really listening. The stinging ring of thought permeated my mind, and everything that was spoken sounded as warbled as Renflower. Was it all just fake? Did I earn anything? Were we just here to carry out some Draconion mission?
And then, he said the words that cut me like a knife and brought me back to the conversation:
We're going to rob the Flying Flynns.
My brain in a whirl, my heart crouching in terror, I nearly passed out. I caught myself on my back foot, but the damage had been done. I felt dizzy, sick, exasperated, thirsty, confused, and above all, scared.
Rob...the Flynns? I can't see them. I can't go near them. What would Markorn think of me now...
Anyway, that's the story of my moment in the spotlight, Dad.
Oh, and one more thing, just so you know.
I found your passport book, with your stamps.
Doylin, Ramethea, Tixas, Del'Orta. It's not much, but it's enough to go off of. You're a clever man but even you have patterns.
One step closer led me two steps back. I'll find you yet, old man, and I'll do it with or without my friends.
One thing's for sure, since those two are so fearful of what happens in the shadows:
If someone's always watching, you might as well make them look.
Gracefully Yours,
Orlando The Magnificent