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Sun 20th Dec 2020 08:30

A Song of Light and Fire

by Orlando The Magnificent

First of all know that I'm coming for you. I will find you in Del'Orta.
Whenever we GET there.
SO here's where it stands as of late: Zashi, Nobler and I were hurt pretty badly. Well actually, Nobler was pretty fine and I got struck by lightning so the only one who really got attacked was Zashi.
Still, it was a mess. I was up on a smoke stack at the top of the karst. Nobler looked pretty spooked, down by himself, and Zashi was nowhere to be seen. I had to act quick, and I had to think fast. My hand instinctively went to my rum, because the best way to think is to drink.
In a brilliant stroke of inspiration I stuffed my tie into the open bottle of rum and, using my gift, I dropped the bomb on an unsuspecting crew below.
After that, unfortunately, things got a bit annoying.
It started to rain and I couldn't find my friends. I thrust my spear to the sky, looking for hope from the great god Zephyros, and I got zapped.
But right after that, my gaze shifted to some woman floating in the water. NOBLER, I thought. He needs help. I tossed him my spear and he just...I can't even describe it, he just fell apart. The woman got taken by Tusk and those pirates, and Nobler started to follow them. I knew he needed help, so I followed.
I swam around their stackship, climbed up the broadside, pryed open a porthole, and fashioned another Cinder Cocktail. I let Baltós carry it in, and as Nobler rushed out with that woman the ship exploded in Magnificent fashion! You shoulda been there Dad! I got blown from the side as the ship was completely destroyed. I was the hero of the day. I stopped the pirates and Nobler got the girl.
Then something odd happened. I came up for air just as a giant wing of a crow descended from the storm. I thought it was the storm of Zephyros but I guess I was wrong. Nobler and I swam to shore, where we met up with Zashi.
I said let's get outta here, Zashi said Nar Shen was dead. It was a win-win. We bandaged ourselves up as Baltós went back for Neema, who was captured by that dragonborn Zashi killed. Don't ask, I have no idea how he's alive again.
And that about does it! We are currently debating whether we should go save our damsel in distress. I say yes but Zashi is a misogynist and wants to wait until she gets brought back to Del'Orta. The thing is there is NO guarantee she'll be kept alive and lest Zashi forget, Dragonborns have 2 dicks.
We gotta go save her. I know it. It's our fault she's in danger.
After that, it's back to Del'Orta.
I'll see you there, Dad.
I hope you're ready to finally face your son.
Gracefully Yours,
Orlando the Magnificent