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Thu 3rd Dec 2020 03:30


by Orlando The Magnificent

Dear Dad,
Well this adventure sure was full Orlando Cardio!
It all started back on the beach, right after we swam from the wreckage of the Maycomb ship.
The Red Devils were coming, but they were more interested in whatever Nar Shen tried to pillage from the other vessel, so we had a head start on them.
For some reason the big wolf, Nobler I think his name is, was suuuper concerned with making sure we waste time and "think" about what we're doing.
I found this a bit presumptuous but whatever, I went with it.
We start running into the jungle to avoid the pirates and lo and behold, what do we find? PIRATES!
These 2 buffoons were trying to climb a tree after Nobler's girlfriend and lemme tell you, he didn't like that one bit.
So Zashi and Nobler killed the motherfuckers and saved the girl. Heroic, right?
All was well and good for about 5 seconds until MORE pirates started coming in our general direction and it was off to the races again.
We sprinted through the jungle and made our way to the north beach, and swam across a channel to safety on another island. We spent the next couple hours talking and gathering material for camp.
Turns out, these guys really don't trust me, and I have no idea why.
Well, I have some ideas. Nobler watched a vicious scorpion murder the entire circus and Zashi absolutely doesn't think I'm gonna live past tomorrow, so it seems like they're hesitant to put their faith in me. It's a shame, really, because they have no idea how much good I could be for them. They REALLY have no idea how good they are for ME either so it's a win-win-win.
I feel bad for Nobler, actually. He doesn't seem to think there's any way forward because of his past. I wish he knew that though the past can't change, the future can.
Anyway then a fucking million ants started attacking us and we began our relay race to the shoreline once again.
Thankfully we made it out before anything catastrophic happened but damn, those ants packed a mean pair of pincers.
As we headed back towards the original island I was inclined to go make a deal with the Red Devils at their camp, but everybody thought that was a bad idea for some reason so I didn't do it.
We swam back to the other shore and, exhausted, started looking for a boat. We stumbled across the Maycomb camp, and I was inclined to speak to them but I held my tongue.
This is where the story gets interesting: We found some crates full of sugar and booze and emptied them out, hoping to float back to Del'Orta like rubber duckies. The problem is, TWO SECONDS after we got in the water some big mean clawed thing started swimming towards us and we bailed on what amounted to the eighteenth failed plan of the day.
We stumbled through the jungle some more and came across a lightly guarded temple. The guards saw me and took a shot, and the fuckin' thing grazed my moneymaker! I came out and talked to them, and got taken prisoner once again. For about 5 seconds, until Zashi and Nobler killed the guards. Oh boy do I love having them around.
We entered the temple and finally, mercifully, had a full night's sleep.
Though 1 weird thing did happen with Nobler. He came up to me as I was working on my fire and demanded I do more! I he knew that this is the only thing I struggle with in life. This fire inside of me, I don't know what it means and I don't know where it comes from. My mother didn't have it; at least, I never saw her have it. It's hard to remember back when I was so young...
Which means it has to be you, Dad.
You hold the secret to this burning enigma inside of me.
Why do I have it? What does it mean? Is this the source of my magic? The furnace of my soul which blazes my passions within?
Or is it all just another cheap trick, like you.
We woke up the next morning at first light.
We had to get off the island.
We made our way north, back towards the shoreline we first washed up on, and saw our ticket out:
FINALLY those Red Devils left their camp relatively unguarded and we saw a longboat we could steal.
As we approached the guards saw me, but I snapped my fingers and turned my companions invisible before the guards could notice.
I bought some time by being who I am, charming and hilarious, and my friends took 2 of them by surprise. Just then, the Maycomb pirates started waltzing in so I made like a fish and jumped in the boat.
Nobler got fucking shot, how he survived I have NO idea, and Zashi tossed him a grapple to help him escape the fire.
We all made it onto the longboat and our "captors" took the weapons off of Nobler and Zashi as they entered.
But not me :)
You should be proud dad! You always wanted me to make a killing, and I finally did it!
So now we have a boat, and the only people left on the beach were the Maycomb pirates and some dead Red Devils.
For all the pain you've caused me dad, it's nice to know I have your gift of gab to fall back on. If I couldn't talk I would be dead. If I couldn't perform I'd have died a long time ago.
These things...this heritage of mine. The music. The performance. The magic.
Is it MY heritage? Is it what you intended to leave behind to me?
Or am I just a blip along your path to glory.
I wish you would write back to me, but I know you can't.
I wish I could talk to you, but I know I can't.
At least my friends accept me for who I am.
For now, anyway.
Who knows, maybe they'll be just like you, and they'll cast me aside the moment I'm no longer useful.
I doubt it, though.
Without me, those 2 have no idea how to get where they're going. Plus, I like spending time with them. It's been ages since I've had this much fun.
Maybe you didn't want me. Maybe my mother was a fool.
The past can't change, dad, but the future can.
I can feel that fire. I don't know why it's there, but I know it shines brighter than yours.
You might be Starlight, but my light is Magnificent
Gracefully Yours,