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Sat 5th Dec 2020 11:37

For Orlando the Bells Toll

by Orlando The Magnificent

Dear Dad,
Just when I thought we were done with the pirates, Zashi had to go and get us attacked again!
It was the high-seas of the open waters where I finally felt safe again. Odd, considering how often I've been in chains or bondage(and not the good kind!) when I've been on the water, but this time was different. Finally, I had some people I could trust with me.
We started sailing away from the calamity on the beach and Nobler, even though he was bleeding pretty badly, started taking the oars to row. I'd never seen anything like it! One minute the guy's shot on the beach like a duck, next he's evading cannonfire. This guy has got balls, that's for sure.
We kept rowing away when my good ear perked up, and I heard the winds wail. A storm was brewing and we had to get off the water. Thankfully we made port in a local fishing village, and at the expense of some silver, we made our way to safety at an inn.
I approached the innkeep and lost some silver, AGAIN, and then posted up by the fire. It was a pretty smoky and gross flame, so I fiddled around with it to make it a bit more comforting. Zashi was out praying or masturbating, I can never tell, and Nobler and Neema found themself a table nice and far away from me. That didn't bother me too much--I'm used to being alone.
Eventually, Nobler came over to talk with me. He seemed apologetic, or hungry; it's remarkable how often those two intermingle. He mentioned something about his daughter, how he hopes she's still alive, and struck a deal with me: I help you, you help me. It seemed fine enough, but I'm not sure yet. This guy is a raging beast! There's no telling what he might do next. I'm not sure I want to hang around such a rash individual.
Then Zashi came in, and all hell broke loose.
Some disturbing fog moved in on the area, and an odd metal bang began emitting from the distance. My innate sense for action and splendor led me to kill the fire. I didn't want to attract whatever was making that sound.
However, Zashi was less inclined to hide and moved towards the door, exactly when a big lizard hand burst through and grabbed him. Nobler and Zashi leapt into action, but I stayed by the fire and boosted their morale a bit. It didn't exactly help Nobler too much, who got shot in the fucking chest again, but Zashi ended up benefitting greatly from it. We dismantled those goons and I even picked up a neat spear! It's got a chain on it, so I can pull some ol' quarter-with-a-string tricks on some people.
All that was well and good, and at the expense of MORE OF MY HARD-EARNED SILVER we bandaged Nobler up.
Then it was back to the fire for me.
Listen, dad, I'm certainly not the boastful type, but I felt pretty good about myself for surviving that fight without a scratch.
I spent some serious time staring into the fire, trying to understand my gift. Your gift. Our gift.
MY gift.
As I peered into the incandescent flame, I noticed a twinge of something. It wasn't much, but it was enough to draw me closer.
Then I saw you, dad. I saw you in Del'Orta. I saw you get on some ship. The ship started to FLY, and it turned into a crow.
Then darkness consumed my vision and I saw no more.
I ripped my face from the fire as Nobler came bursting back inside, screaming about how he lost Zashi and there were weird things in the fog.
Poor, poor Nobler. All that strength and yet he panics at the first sign of trouble.
If I can do anything for that man, I want to show him that he can do anything.
I know you're watching, dad. I know you see me.
The spotlight shines brightly on your son.
Gracefully yours,