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Wilsday, 14th of Indra, 522 E.C.

Ready for Anything

by Ursula Ragnarsdόttir

Train, train, train. A hundred days at home is a hundred days to train and be sure that I'm ready for our next expedition, and that's exactly what I'm going to use them for.
Gorm's been practicing his cooking as usual, and I hear that he's learned some recipes that might help should we need to dive deep in the ocean. Carmilla found some sort of spell book somewhere, which she asked me for a bit of help deciphering as Mikkil was busy crafting weapons, as well as finally outfitting Shepard with some armor. It seems to have a bunch of summoning ritual type things, like those I hear where wizards get a little animal servant for themselves. Svenya's been talking to her mom, a little freaked out about the whole situation with that valkyrie. She thought that maybe she ought to keep her not-so-human nature a secret, lest people come try and defeat her to prove themselves, but decided that it's not going to stay a secret very well anyways, so she might as well own it. Of course, that doesn't mean we don't have to worry about some unsavory creatures coming to bother us... Carmilla's also been training up with her blades, so much so that she's even getting rather famous.
We've garnered quite a reputation in the village, and people have started giving us supplies for free, hoping to see our boat finished as soon as possible - and soon indeed it should be finished! Jarl Niklas says when we're done we ought to get outfitted with a crew, setting off on our own expeditions and earning our arm rings. Oh, how I look forward to it, finally setting sail like a real Viking!
While everyone else has been training with their weapons magic, I've been focusing on more general skills. More of the theory behind magic rather than just it's effects, as well as getting Ingrid to teach me some medicine, learning how to navigate properly, and training physically with Odr. Svenya and Gorm also did some sort of meditating-ritual thing with Yngvild, and seem more connected to the spirits now, able to draw on their power much how I've been able to more naturally. It makes me wonder, could some of my own powers come from my heritage more than the circumstances of my birth? It does feel a bit different to create some of my effects than others...
Of course I haven't neglected to work on my own spells, and it was quite fun too - who would have thought I could learn to throw a punch like the hammer of Thor? I've also been learning how to alter my body, making it more suited to the water, and even managed to store some of that magic in a ring to help me without expending more effort. I got ma to make everyone those Mjölnir pendants she had offered, too. She made me help her around the shop of course, but, oh well, more than worth it for any help to keep my friends safe.
But we've been home for a hundred days, just past my birthday and well into spring now, and we're itching to get out there again. We're rather overdue for trying to find whoever poisoned the river, and they're likely enough long gone by now, but I suspect that if we're going to find them it'll be quite close to home so we may as well give it a shot. After that, who knows, we might keep following the river northeast and go to the Seidr tower Gorm keeps talking about, or we might go east and investigate the various happenings over that way. We heard just tonight that the dwarves are having quite a problem with kobolds in their mines, and it's near the area Magnus' group heard a bunch of screaming from the forest trap, and if we go even further southeast we might find out some more about the dragons. Whatever we decide and wherever our road may lead, may Thor bless our travels to be ripe with opportunity for glory!

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  19. Ready for Anything
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