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Wilsday, 30th of Junal, 522 E.C.

Finding Fugitives

by Ursula Ragnarsdόttir

Before we settle down for our rest, I go to see if I can talk to that water creature that grabbed Carmilla. I can feel a magic emanating from them, and it reminds me so much of my own magic, my connection to the sea, the way it calls to me. I don't know how, but I'm able to talk to them, a language as natural as the rumble of the waves washing out on its own and the creature responding in kind. They seem to have been living with, but not particularly attached to, the dragon we killed. They're not mad at us for it, and warned us that the dragon considered many creatures of the forest its children, feeding and protecting them, and now that it's gone they may pose a threat to us. The creature was quite friendly and said they might come visit me in Braudavik some time, and I hope they do. It would be a pleasure to speak with such a fascinating creature again, though I only now realize I never asked their name. I am glad to meet such an intelligent one as well, as most give little to no response when I try to speak with them, but I wonder why they had so many little trinkets in their pool. What does a creature made of water need with a spoon? What does a creature without legs need with boots?
We took another look at that gold mask from the valkyrie as well, but we're still not really sure what it is. We've heard stories of theses masks being put on the dead, but given the source of her wounds whatever she got it from might not have been so dead. It's mostly smooth gold, with no holes for any parts of the face, but there are a whole lot of runes covering the back side of it. I'm not entirely sure what they mean, but they do seem faintly familiar. I feel like they are an ancient language, perhaps a predecessor of one I speak now, yet the script they're written in is one I've never seen before. Whatever they say, I don't think they're a proper language like the one I'm writing in but more of a formulaic language, perhaps for mathematics or magic.
During our afternoon night we hear some sounds outside, most likely bears as the tracks later confirm, but they don't cause any trouble. While we go harvest what remains of the dragon, Trus takes his leave, telling us if we ever come to Jötunn's Crossing he'd be happy to repay us for our help. I don't think any of us are too concerned about payment though, just happy to have an ally that I'm sure will prove invaluable. While most of us were satisfied to then leave the cave, Svenya wanted to go follow the giant owl and all the cries of the beasts that could be heard further into the cave, through a pit filled hallway with a slight breeze emanating from it. Before she gets far though, the wind forms itself into a creature that doesn't seem too friendly, and we quickly make our leave.
Since we took that lengthy nap in the middle of the day, we're now setting out after nightfall, with a beautiful aurora borealis in the sky. Before long we come to the primitive bothy as expected, but what we didn't expect was to see smoke rising from its chimney. It's quite dilapidated; whoever's in here likely isn't a regular inhabitant. Me, Jormund and the others go up to it one way, while Carmilla goes behind some trees to get up to it another way, because of course she does. And wouldn't you know it, she got lucky and found the main door. We hear some whispering from them, they seem to be hiding from someone and worry that we're the ones chasing them, but they open the door to Carmilla and seem rather relieved seeing that she doesn't look like whoever it is.
There's just two of them, Lejkins and Fus, and they invite us inside. Fus is a dwarf from the area, but his friend is a human from The Green Lights of the East. They were both captured by Kigan pirates, probably to be sold as slaves, escaping them and getting to the cottage only a few hours ago. It's a pretty run down old place with holes in the walls, but it's a decent shelter and with a barrel of ale in the corner Gorm makes us a hearty dragon steak dinner. They think the pirates are camped up by the hot springs, and since we're going by there already, why not go and teach them a thing or two when we get there?

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  14. Finding Fugitives
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  26. The Journal Entry’s title