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Kaiday, 25th of Junal, 522 E.C.

A Friend and a Fiend of Fire

by Ursula Ragnarsdόttir

Although all a bit dazed by what we just witnessed, we took a closer look around the cave. The pool that the valkyrie was next to went a bit further into the cave, and was filled with treasure. While Gorm ritual-cast a spell to turn him into a fish so he could explore the water, Svenya noticed sounds from outside like a screeching owl and a roaring beast. Going back to investigate, she encountered a dragon with a man in its mouth, flaming his captor both literally and figuratively. The dragon simply shrugs him off though, tossing him into its den, most likely planning to eat him later.
Carmilla had been climbing on the walls over the pond, and found a strange creature made entirely of water. She snuck up on it gave it a poke, causing it to whirl around and fling her into the water. The dragon heard the splash and started towards us, where upon it noticed Svenya and accused her of stealing it's treasure. She very loudly tells it that she didn't and we mean no harm, when we notice that Shepard did in fact take a large ruby out of the pool. We toss it back in as dragon comes closer, before it notices that the flaming man has used the distraction as an opportunity for escape and blames us for it's own lax guardianship. It's about to attack, but Svenya's able to use a shower of sparks to make it think that the flaming man is still there for a moment, long enough for us all to get past it and start running out of the cave.
We make a break for the mouth of the cave, using a few spells to slow the dragon hot on our tails, but it just manages to jump over our heads and block the exit. It blasts heat like a forge onto us but the flaming man is able to teleport us to the other side, and we nearly escape-- but it hooks its claws into Svenya, dragging her back with it into the cave... Now we're the ones chasing, this time with a vengance. We surround it and eventually manage to get Svenya away from it, then just as we're about to get away for real this time, it charges up its fire breath, and just as it's about to blast us with another inferno, our flaming man launches searing bolts into its mouth, causing its flames to erupt while still inside of it and blasting it to pieces.
We've got a few new battle scars in the group, Svenya with some nasty claw marks on her back where the dragon grabbed her, and Carmilla with some burns on her face, but we make our way back near the pool to rest, thanking Odin that we still live. We've finally gotten a real introduction to the flaming man too - his name is Trus, a fire genasi in charge of the giants working at Jötunn's Crossing. We also take a closer look at the treasure in the water and, well, Thor strike me down if that isn't a damn lot of money! No wonder the beast was so jealous of his horde, not to mention the magical items...

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