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Cothsday, 31st of Junal, 522 E.C.

The Majesty of Nature

by Ursula Ragnarsdόttir

Well, it turns out that we're fighting the pirates sooner than we planned to. After a couple hours rest at the cottage, we spot some shadows darting around the trees, and soon they've surrounded us. Lejkins jumps out the window and tries to run, but almost immediately gets his head cut off, while Fus was able to sneak off successfully. The pirates were a lot tougher than we expected; they forced me to use two healing potions and gave Svenya another nasty scar, nearly slicing her arm off - some stories she'll have to tell! Once we had killed and the others started running away, the Fus reappeared to help too. One got away though, so if we do want to take on their camp we'll unfortunately be lacking surprise. There was a bounty out for that monk known to disappear in clouds of smoke like they used too, I wonder if they could be connected to eachother?
Fus apologized for running off, but hey, when he saw that we could handle ourselves in a fight he came back to help, so it's not all bad, eh? There was another dwarf and an elf that had been captured by the pirates, still with them when Fus escaped, and we're hoping to go rescue them too, but after how tough a battle we had with the last one's we'd be wise to use some caution. Svenya uses that magic lyre she got to create a wall around the cabin, effectively patching up the holes, we rest the morning away before setting off to be sure that the pirates can't get another jump on us.
We were going to skip the faerie throne, just skirting the dancing groves and going right to the hot springs, but those plans quickly turned around on us. Despite my attempts to just skirt the edge, the groves, with their trees constantly waving and curling, truly quite like a dance, somehow manage to pull us in across the river to their center. We keep seeing a massive figure in the distance, worrying it may be something dangerous, but it turns out to just be a massive elk, perhaps 30 or 40 feet tall, and twice that if you count the horns. The trees' movements seems to follow the elk's, spreading apart to make way for it, and we decide it may be advantageous to follow it. Carmilla and Gorm use their beast speech magic, and the elk seems quite friendly, though not much more intelligent than your average beast. It's pleased to see humanoids for the first time in a while, but it hasn't seen and fey for a few days and is worried about them. It offers to guide us to the faerie throne, and after some deliberation we decide that the pirates can wait a bit.
While I'm worried that the pirates might have moved on or prepared for our arrival if we delay reaching them, I can't say I'm displeased with how this has gone. Carmilla convinced the elk to let us ride on it, which not only gave us the speed of its massive footsteps, but from where I write this now, I have a majestic view from up in its antlers... The wind in my hair, the encounter with such a marvelous creature, that feeling like I can see for miles: now this, this is why I love adventures!

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  15. The Majesty of Nature
    Cothsday, 31st of Junal, 522 E.C.
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  26. The Journal Entry’s title