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Devday, 7th of Lori, 522 E.C.

Decapus Decimation

by Ursula Ragnarsdόttir

After a weak attempt by Carmilla and Svenya at resolving the situation nonviolently, the Chanters are cowardly enough to cast a darkness spell and run away. We would have given chase if it weren't for the hordes of plant creatures wreaking havoc on the place, but as it stands those were of more pressing concern. Gorm and Jormund went and found a big tree creature trying smash in a door, and it did quite a number on them before we were able to kill it, knocking Gorm out and breaking Jormund's leg. Nobody died though, and we arrived just in to to rescue the druid we had seen from the scrying stone downstairs. She went to a crystal, similar looking to the one on the lower floor and used it to contact someone. She warned them about the monsters attacking here, and they were seemed to be able to counter the magic that the decapus was using to make the vine bridges attack us. I took a look at the Chanter's room as well, and they were definitely trying to make a map. It's quite a fascinating device they were using, able to artificially move the stars so that they can chart them without waiting for them to actually move into that position. They seem to have left it in the configuration the were using it for, so hopefully one of the residents of this place will be able to tell us what they were doing with it.
Downstairs, we used more of the stamina potions and took a rest before taking on the decapus. We had intended to split up and pincer it, but it sensed us coming and attacked the boys before we could get there to back them up. It seemed to be bearing our attacks quite well until it nearly killed Sheperd, bringing the full fury of all of us down upon it. I gave it a hearty zap, but Jormund got the finishing blow, impaling its brain with his halberd.

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