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Khalday, 6th of Lori, 522 EC

Planning a Monster Hunt

by Ursula Ragnarsdόttir

Mom gave me this life runestone 10 years ago today. She always stressed that I have to keep it on me and safe, but she never says why. I've asked her what it does, but she never gives me a real answer. Carmilla says it may protect me if I'm ever near death, but I haven't been able to puzzle anything out of it. A
I was sitting in the Sky Tree, looking at it, when I overheard some people talking about a few dangers around the town, like the monsters in the treehouses northwest and some lizardfolk found in an old bandit encampment southeast. Ulfhild seemed eager to go do something about it, so us and our friend decided to go hunt down the monsters. We planned our route, going past the fungal mass, down to the wooden bridge, through moonbridge, and north from there to the treehouses. It's too late to go there today though, so for now it's time for the feast.
In the longhouse, Svenya starts telling an old story again, but she does it so well that everyone is entranced by it. The other bard of the village tries to outdo her, but she's much better at it than him. Over at the opposite end, is the jarl's son and his friends. They seem to be planning their own expidition. Carmilla goes over and challenges them to a breath-holding contest, which they change to a drinking contest, but she wins anyways. Ulfhild and them keep insulting eachother, and nearly get into a fight.
When it's time to eat after the jarl's short speech, we go back to our table and plan for the trip tomorrow.

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  1. Ulfhild Killed a Troll!
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  2. Planning a Monster Hunt
    Khalday, 6th of Lori, 522 EC
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  26. The Journal Entry’s title