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Mon 27th Mar 2023 12:14

Session 15

by Archer Hastings

Met back at camp with Otis' body. Sir Avos' daughter takes him and keeps his body from decomposing. Enron helps them.
Fourth group came back and reported findings of the fortress. All but one small group stayed back, we're heading there now.
Obsidian Wall. Lake in the horseshoe; runoff feed from the mountain. Along the path are giant spiked mechanisms facing outward. There's a black wall gate.
Sir Avos is studying the sketch of the defenses in the dirt. He's discussing what he thinks would be best.
This place is where they are creating the mutated rats. Based on intelligence we received. We have 25 people in our group presently. They saw 4 rotating scouts on the balcony (with crossbows).
We devise a plan. Sir Avos comes up with some flaws in it.
Sir Avos has us and four others go. We go left, one goes right, group stays and watches the front.
We travel up around the left and go up the mountain as best we can. We try to find the most traversable path. Skywatcher leads the way. By the time we make it to the place where we're going to be descending... the stream... as we're hiking, there's a peak where we can see the peak of the tallest tower and you thought you saw a glimmer on a mountain peak. Rhinan pulls out the telescope and looks at the peak. She sees an intential flash several times; it's made several times toward the tower. The sun is going down. She turns to look at the castle and sees flashes back.
We decide to go.
By the time we get to the river, it is pretty much dark. Following the river. Found a few easy crossings. As we crest over the spot where theres's a waterfall and cliff. We can now see down onto the fortress. The cliff is about 45-feet tall. Light coming from the windows and torches on the balcony. 2 miles from the waterfall to the fortress.
Blizz and half-elf climb down.Blizz sees a fleck of light and then sees the fortress door open and four guards patrol to the wall gate. He waits a half-hour. A fortified carriage pulled by six horses tears down the road to get to the fortress. They stopped after the gate was shut. And those 4 guards get on the carriage and they book it.
The lake starts to bubble and ripple. Out of the lake bursts a loch ness monster with 8 tentacles (kind of like a crab) and it makes its way in a frantic to the carriage. It rears up against the spikes which keep it at bay. They get to the door and get in. (The guys at the balcony also shot the the monstrosity.)
The tower collapsed inwards; you know there is light in there.