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Mon 2nd May 2022 01:30

Session 5

by Archer Hastings


2 broken pickaxes
10 pickaxes
5 stone mallets
3 metal hammers
4 crates of nails
Blizzard -- bagful of crystal chunks and powder
4 crates of leathers
4 crates of linens
Storage full of food (outside)
6 Dice Sets made from Bone
13 Card Sets
2 Metal Flasks (Strong smelling liquid)
2 Bags of Dark Metal, Blank Coins (32 total) (Blizzard Wants, Otis, and Skywatcher)
Small Wooden Carving of a Large, Horned Bison
2 Bags of Same Dried Weed
2 Breastplates (Archer, Skywatcher)
1 Kite Shield (Blizzard)
1 Warhammer (Emron)
1 Battleaxe (Emron)
19 Pipes, 19 Bags of Shabac
6 Small Books with excerpts from the Aliarli
12 whips
12 blackjacks
12 light crossbows
12 knives (Blizzard took 1)
4 silvers
4 copper
10 lanterns
Chest full of 100 silver (In Skywatcher's Posession)
Sebastian had 3 gold
Spoke with The Crows guide. Leader we spoke with was Viernan. Awnwin is our guide.
Long Rest!
Into the cave
Go left, boarded up, found the pit. Went back, went right, mine under development, go back into pit, 8 feet down.
Passage left and right. Going right.
80 feet down, there's a doorway.
Manmade. Stone brick on the walls, smooth cave floor.
Archway opens to a room with a border around it. Stairs go down into the water.
Naithea goes down. Says its an entrance to the side of the mountain under tehw ater. This is the original entrance that appears to have sunken down under the water somehow.
Go the other way. 120 feet down from the pit, there's an iron door. (Black metal, not iron. There is writing on it).
Hackix Orvid Zeor (written in Abyssal)
"Here lies ^^, a faithful disciple of our lord. Rest peacefully under the ptortection of your fiathful warriors until he calls upon your services again"
Rhinan spoke it out aloud to us.
No one knows who this guy is. Intricately designed. Curved point. Blizz opens up the thin double-door!
Air changed and felt stale when we walked passed the threshold.
Circular room and there are carvings all around the walls. Depicts basic shaped humanoids bowing to a giant being that has the body of a being and the head of siwrling mass of confusing shapes and patterns. abstract and hard to look at. No order, no pattern,
Center of the room is a hole in the ground with a purple light coming from it. (man-sized)
Emron looks down the hole. Grooves carved into the wall like a ladder.
Room appears to be just carvings with central figure.
Hole turns into a square. Room = circle with + sign. Pillar with glass bulb and purplse crystal, filling room with purple light. Pretty short dead-ends.
Right below the cyrstal is a 10-foot platform that's raised up and around it is a design that looks like a crack around it with lines going out (sunburst) cut into the stone.
When Archer steps down off the ladder, there's a voice.... Hissed voices in abyssal "Trespassers"
The room starts to shake and the room shifts; the hole in the ceiling disappears.
Slabs fall. Skeletons, shiny and black in pristine armor.