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Mon 1st Aug 2022 03:06

Session 10

by Archer Hastings

Make our way to the Sleepy Deer Inn and pay 3-5 Rune for a room.
Daron shares it with Blizz. Otis and Skywatcher. Rhinan gets her own room.
Kygor is down eating his meal. We all buy breakfast.
"How do we want to do this?"
Us. "Go in quietly, scout it out."
Blizz. Asks for a leatherworker.
Kygor. I do my own. Know some folks, though.

  • Kygor went and stayed at the halflings' place. They direct us to a leatherworker location. The price is probably about 1 Rune, 5 Pik to get it resized. Rhinan's resizing will cost 8 Rune.

  • Blizz tries to resale his leather. They give him 2 rune for it and do the repairs for free.
    Rhinan also can get a deal.
    The place we're going is like an apartment complex. There are condemned rooms. Rhinan and Blizz go up with Kygor quietly.
    Skywatcher, Otis, and Daron take up positions around the complex.
    Blizz doesn't see anyone inside, tries the window but it's locked. Door is also locked.Rhinan picked the lock. They search the room. Rhinan catches claw marks on a board on the ceiling. There's an envelope tucked away up there. The envelope is already open. It looks like gibberish. It's Tabaxi Homeland Dialect. Very slangy and hard to read. Blizz knows it.

    Silent Shadow
    Your request has been granted. We have heard of
    your deeds and the fine for your bounty is impressive.
    You have been granted probationary membership in our
    organization and we will be sending a Yaulus and retinue
    to collect you.
    The Yaulus will observe you and be your determining
    factor on full membership. Be warned if you succeed in
    impressing the Yaulus he will need to bring you to our
    sacred sanctuary for your joining ceremony, and you may
    need to submit your consciousness to enter. We are a
    secret organization and can not give our most sacred
    locations away, even to our members.
    If you are willing to place your trust in us the
    blessings of Hass’ Oror, the Stalking Darkness, will be
    yours. I look forward to your arrival and your eventual
    Fare well,
    Infinite Cosmos
    Kalaw of Hass’ Oror
    Sacred Priest of the Dark Kindle

    Rhinan to Kygor. Do you recognize any of these names or locations?
    Kygor. Never heard of any of these things in my life.
    They return to meet up with the three outside. We return to the Sheriff's Office ("Law Office") in Hogenbran's Landing. The deputy on duty gives us the card with an address to Alabaster.
    "The Inquisition of Arcane Threats"
    Address in Alabaster.
    They say if anyone brings anyone into your office or if there's any wanted, let the bounty hunters who capture these individuals let them know that we are interested in these types of individuals.
    We go to the imprisoned cat. There's a medical professional watching him. He's strapped to a cot. Looks like he's been seen to. The guard mentions that he's due to be put on trial tomorrow.
    Otis. Starts ruffling his hair. "Does hilarious intimidation."
    Blizz shows him the letter. "Want to tell us about this. One of your friends got away and we want to know if he's dangerous to our friends here."
    "He's very dangerous, actually.... You should all be afraid. When the Yaulus returns, you won't survive."
    Blizz. "Reducing sentence if you cooperate with us in finding the Yaulus. What's your role in all this?"
    Cat. "My role's not important." And doesn't really answer anything else.
    Blizz. Relates it to us.
    Otis. "Oh, so where is Yaulus?"
    Blizz. "He didn't tell us. Just said when he comes back. And then said he wouldn't say anything else."
    Cat. "Infinite Cosmos is our leader."
    Otis. Has an altercation where he carves splinters and preps to torture and guard throws a fit. We give up.
    Daron gives it a shot.
    Daron and Skywatcher lets the noble folks know we're heading out for a few days or weeks to another island.
    Rhinan and Blizz and Otis go visit Giri.
    Giri. "Your stuff isn't ready, is that why you're here?"
    Rhinan. "Just to check up on it. There's a few more things I'd like you to look at. A feather, a crown, and a circlet."
    Giri.Uses an eye thing he looks through. "These are magical. I'm afraid I cannot tell you the exact properties... but uhhh, mmm... If you left me with them, I could have my friend look at them."
    Rhinan. "We also have these obisidian shards...."
    Giri. "Not magical, but there are places where they have found a lot of these west of Alabster, I believe. Black mirror glass. Quite strange material, uhh, mmm.... It can be very very sharp when prepared in the right way."
    Blizz. Shows him the Tabaxi letter that Blizz rewrote.
    Giri. "I'm afraid I don't, specialize in artifacts and stuff. Never studied anything with these words in it, I'm sorry."
    Blizz. "We'll be back."
    Giri. "Did you want to leave these things here?"
    Rhinan. "Yeah. We'd like his contact info of that guy."
    We asked Kygor to go look for tracks for the Yaulus from where we had knocked him on his butt.
    Kygor."No footprints to a spot. Suddenly footprints. Lost the trail at the river."
    To Eagle's Landing. Armor is ready. Make arrows.
    Otis, Skywatcher, and Daron go to the docks, find transport. 25-30 total for private runes. 1-4 rune each.for crammed in quarters. We decide to take a private transport.
    27 rune total. Diamond Spray, Captain Warrus Malmont. Comfy ship. There's some nice hammocks below decks. Not very big. This is a quick ship, get you to Eagles' Landing in under 2 days.
    Day 2. Sailing along and Daron and Rhinan notice something as we pass an island. Bursts of fire on the shore of the island. See a ship ground up on some rocks and another ship that's not close to the rocks. Once we get a little closer, we can see bursts of fire hailing from the ship into the smaller rocks. We see a rowboat amongst the smaller rocks. The crashed flag has the symbol of.... All the ships registered with the Aldonian Empire, it has the Aldonian Eagle. Eagle's Landing is owned by the Aldonian Empire.
    More questions. Squish into the rowboat. We row through the rocks (not choppy water) towards the boat crashed into the rocks. It's about noon. Lady in red dress throwing fire.
    We join the fray. Daron smacks 4. Rhinan skewers his neck and he dies.
    Red dress lady gets slashed by a boat.
    Skywatcher and Otis sprint. Alyzenya throws a firebolt and hits the leader. Blizz wrecks the backlines with an explosion.
    Archer shoots 3 and trips him.
    Archer gets shot by 8.
    Skywatcher roughs up the tripped three. Enough that he dies.
    2 nails Blizz.
    The boss man resists Red Dress Lady's fear.
    Blizz kills 6 and then fires at 5 and misses.
    1 starts climbing the ship beside 5. 2 does the same.
    Archer misses. Rhinan hits 7. 5 hops up on the boat and kills two sailors.
    8 shoots at Rhinan and misses.
    Otis charges after the guys climbing. So does Skywatcher, who can reach them. Skywatcher reaches up and pulls both of them down by the boots and they crash into the water.
    7 shoots at Rhinan and misses.
    Red Dress Lady misses a firebolt and he and her comps run. She falls and splashes in the water.
    The men drowning by Skywatcher continue to drown. Archer kills 8, Rhinan kills 7.
    5 charges Blizz and lands a hit.
    Otis hacks at the people drowning underwater. 5 dies.
    Skywatcher kills 2.
    Blizz fights 5 and lots of bladework.
    Archer goaded 5.
    5 missed Blizz and Archer (hand crossbow).
    Otis dashed climbed.
    Skywatcher gets up and flanks 5. Searing Smite.
    Red Dress lady runs to Daron.
    Daron gets on a rock, shoots and misses.
    Rhinan shoots him and hits.
    5 bails (disengage) and hops over the edge of the boat.
    Otis follows and leaps off the edge. He kills him.
    We found money and thieves tools in the cats' den. (Rhinan found it. 50 septur, 50 rune, 50 pik, three bags).
    7 Sets of leather armor. 3 crossbows. 4 scimitars. A set of chain mail. Longsword. (Blizz takes the chain mail).
    Captain Yaeger. We get the passengers to join our ship. We hail a patrolling ship and tell them about the stranded sailors and captain.
    We reach Eagle's Landing. Need to find Occilian Ovos.