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Mon 27th Jun 2022 04:13

Session 8

by Archer Hastings


Just interviewed one of the workers. We ask for directions. Take the carriage path; go all the way up until you start seeing where we dug. The hole is on the right side of where we were digging. How deep had they dug down? T'was on a slope, so it was on the mountain's side.
They ditched a bunch of digging equipment and it doesn't look like anything's been touched.
This property isn't on the big part of the mountain; it's on a foothill part. Green, lush mountains. Very tropical. Cleared all the trees away from the place where they're going to build the manor but only dug out maybe a third of the manor. We're approaching the backright where we can see the hole in the ground, but can't see much outside of that.
Everyone hears some movement in the trees. There are no monkeys that we've seen.
Turns out, it's Emron. He found a small hole and is looking for a bigger hole to explore. He makes a stone glow and Archer takes it and drops it in the hole. It falls 7 or 8 feet down before stopping. It's squishy on the entrance. But then it widens up to about 10 feet wide and it's about 7 feet tall.
Coming down the passageway. We're trying to gauge how far it was from where Enron found the hole in the ground. Roughly around that point, Enron sees light. He also sees two figures silhouetted by the light. It is naturally made. You get to where you're about forty feet away and you can see these figures better. They are not skeletons; they have a full humanoid shape except for one of their arms (their shiny black like obsidian) is a giant spike. We don't see purple eyes. From their chest, we see purple light and it spreads through cracks in their body and fills their eyes. No mouth or nose. Just head with eyes and purple cracks in their head.
Otis killed the first one and it exploded. Enron holy smited the second.
We continued and discovered a very fancy circular, tiered room. Many of the obsidian folks were here. 16 of them. 6 of them look like the ones we just fought. 9 more have floating halo obisidian stones swirling around their heads and no spike arm. 1 is eight feet tall and is a lump with legs.
We interrogate Enron about what the heck he knows about this hole. He says "He's got this guide, 'Calloc". He alluded to something over here that I needed to see and find. "Did he allude to what that might be?" says Rhinan. Enron "I'm not entirely sure. He helps me to figure out my powers. These are the evil guys' followers that rebelled against them."
We are satisfied with our interrogation and Blizz and Rhinan take off to investigate the center all sneaky like. They get to the center find this hemisphere, half-circle that's very clean. You see three objects in the middle. One is a silver circlet with a front piece that is four different diamonds in the shape of a 4-point star. Diamond shape.
Next one is a red metal feather with gold trim. The center stalk is gold and it has a few streaks of gold. Base metal is red. Very shiny and nice. Doesn't look like it's rusted at all (neither does the circlet).
Last one is a jagged sheet of metal.
They probably haven't been here for very long because they look so new.
The sunlight glints off a black obsidian dome that's probably 5 inches wide. After Rhinan snatches the goods, Blizz touches the obsidian dome. It starts to shiver and dirt falls into some cavity where it was. It rises out of the ground while the pair flee sneakily away. It's man looking and, from its belly button to its crown is about 5 1/2 to 6 feet tall. There's a giant chunk out of his left side that is obsidian shards (only has 1 arm). His eyes open and they are white (no pupils). He checks out the missing items in the bowl. Then kneels down and waits.
There is writing on the jagged sheet of metal, in Abyssal. Not words written in Abyssal traditionally. Words like Hope, Strength, with Friendship. Protection.
Blizz and Rhinan tried to use the crown thing and... it didn't do anything.
The fiend man moves. He starts shoveling dirt and sifting through it with his hands. He's digging through the dirt and it's just moving for him. g
Soooo.... what are we going to do? Short rest.
The fiend pulls something out but we can't see it. Raises it to his mouth. Then he stands. He turns and his eyes lock on the cave we are in. He turns around and reaches out an arm and the middle one in the back (spike arm) animates. It leaps down to him. They're on the same team... As it comes down, he puts his giant hand on its head. Then looks up at the cave, looks down and takes his hand off its head. It disappears and scrambles up and starts heading up by itself.
Rhinan studies the items and gets the feeling that it is not as new as she thought it was. Which is surprising because it is pristine.
We flee outside the cave and hide in the trees. It hops out of the hole and Blizz shoots at it, wrapping it in vines. Everyone charges it as it hops back into the hole.
Arcane thorns eat at it and kill it after Enron smacked it and shoved with his shield.
We retreat back to the trees to see what happens. Rhinan, Daron, and Otis go in. Rhinan goes up to see what happens. Fiend thing sends two more. The obsidian halo ones.
Enron takes the feather and feels that there is something about this item. It's a nice feeling.
Two pop out, they're gunned down. Otis smashed the second. Archer shattered the second.
Another appears. Otis smashes it.
Another appears. Otis bonks it.
Another appears. Rhinan blows up the previous one.
Archer blows up the final one.
Using single salt on Enron. 9 Remaining.
We bail into the trees for a rest and will stay there if they don't explore outside. Rhinan and Otis are the watchmen.
Rumbling steps. He[/b[ exits. Puts his hand backwards, and they all (11) come out. We let them all come out. Melees run into the tunnel, archers get in position outside the tunnel. Blizz blasts them with an explosive shot. Archer blasts the fiend. Rhinan blasts the big guy. They retreat into the cave and deliver some more shots. The bad guys dash. Skywatcher and Blizz get blasted by the ranged folks before disappearing around the corner; Skywatcher downs a potion. Archer blasts the fiend and he loses his head (right between the eyes). Rhinan blows another one up; now everyone is behind the corner and the 5 spike arms engage.
Skywatcher takes a Health Shot.