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Mon 11th Jul 2022 02:53

Session 9

by Archer Hastings

Resume Combat
Enron smashes a stone thing, Archer finishes the stone thing, Enron casts Shield of Faith, Enron receives a crit from the stone thing, Enron falls.
Rhinan force feeds a Shot to Otis.
Skywatcher whiffs.
Otis smashes #2.
Blizz blitzes and gives Enron sparks. Then he shoots 1 and it blows up (marksman).
Skywatcher falls. Enron heals Skywatcher and disengages. Archer blew up 5. Last of arm guys dead. Otis crits with Javelin.
Halos come out (after 1 or 2 die). Enron falls. Rhinan gets pelted.
Archer kills another.
Enron falls again. Skywatcher smashes spark dust. Misses his attack.
Otis range crits 9 throwing his last javelin.
Blizz attacks with marksman and hits 9. It blewed up.
0 throws three at archer and misses.
Enron rolls away.
Archer blasts 0.
Rhinan blasts it.
We go to the center. Golden plates but they're black/graeyish metal with golden writing. There are only like 3 or 4 sheets held together by rings. The sheets are thin metal. Slate grey. Run your fingers over and it looks like ink but it's metal. It's in Abyssal.
Skywatcher and Otis receive 1 level of exhaustion from the shots.
Short Rest, Emron used a short rest healing item thing that I forget what it's called.
Skywatcher reaches into its throat. He stands there and zones out. The body shivers and then crumbles into piles of obsidian and Skywatcher is holding light. The light is in his hand but he can't feel it. He lets go and it floats. He puts it in a bag and Emron asks if he can take it because of his Guy.
Skywatcher had a vision when he touched it. White sky. The ground was made of this obsidian with black tables everywhere. Well organized. All the bodies of the monsters we just killed were all on the tables. Sitting in the throne was the big guy. "Even though you've killed me now, I'm going to come back. And you won't be able to defeat me when I come back."
Otis: "You don't think we can? Put him back in the body and we'll go for round 2."
If we're going to give this light to your guy, we'll have to meet him.
Emron says he'll have to ask him. He's never summoned him before; he comes when he wants. I'm going to go back into the mountains and do some meditation. He comes to me in dreams and says we'll do training and meet in some secluded spot.
We harvest the obsidian.
Archer gets 2 pounds of Obsidian. (Most others do.)
Return to the circle of wagons. It's a little bit after Noon. We make our way back in.
Meet with the butler and report our success and beg for him to tell the Lord that we almost died. "He should be back within the week."
Otis. "I am not digging holes."
We glamp, Archer ends up with his head in an anthill.
We head back to town. We notice a huge crowd in the center square. Gallows. The see the black tabaxi. The noose is already in his hand. Dwarf execution. Lawman is reading off the sentence. The sentence is read. Darkness fills the whole area before he's hung. Chaos. Observant people can hear the sound of metals. The darkness fades immediately; the dwarf and lawman are bleeding. The gallows rope are cut and the tabaxi is gone.
Dwarf is dead. Cut at the neck when we arrive. Rhinan shows up and calmly stops the blood flow of the lawman. Stomach wound has stopped bleeding (using guard first aid kits). Blizz tried to say he was a trained medical professional. The guards didn't believe him. He resorted to "We are adventurers." card. He heard arguing. There were two of them. One said he wanted to kill me while the other said "We don't have time."
The guards want us to leave so they can get him some space to get a litter to get him to a real medical professional. They thank us.
We talked price with the guard, he didn't know.
Otis: "Recommendation, guardsman. They cannot escape if they're already dead."
We head to the law office.
Flustered guy. We say "We're here to apprehend that tabaxi. Who captured him last time?"
"His name is Kybor. Great hunter. Never failed us before. Would be a good person to ask about this. He lives somewhere in the woods. He comes to us. Where's that place he visits? The Odd Seed. He likes plants. It's one of the shops. I can tell you where that is, I guess he visits there quite often."
Otis: "Can we bring proof of his death?"
"Yes, whatever, just bring us proof."
"Hunter found him holed up in a vacant house here in the house. A room."
He tells us the location of the Odd Seed.

We make it to the Odd Seed. It's very filled with plants. Gardening store. Plants are very unfamiliar. Look like plants on the islands than on the mainland. Two halflings are whispering to each other behind the bar and appear worried. Older man and woman. The woman looks up and says "Oh, hi, what can I do for you?" (40s-50s).
Very defensive. "We know him, why? We're worried for a friend."
"We're trying to help out."
"We know where he lives. If you'd go check on him that would be great."
"He said something about alarms that go off anytime someone comes in close. Maybe call before you approach."
MEDICAL PLANTS -- They are Gil and Bev.
Simple path, kind of hidden. Keep an eye off to the side, there's an animal path but it's marked by cairns.
RHINAN: Stays back and talks about her strange mud ball
SKYWATCHER: Watches for suspicious behavior
ARCHER: Buys 20 bolts
OTIS & BLIZZ: 2 shots, 1 regeneration, 1 spark dust
7 RUNE 4 PIK each
RECONVENE and hit the path.
It's heavy woods. Lots of brushes and trees. Start hearing roars. We hear someone roaring.
We see a half-orc (the hunter) fighting a black tabaxi, a wounded dog behind him, another dog fighting another black tabaxi and another black tabaxi just watching.
Blizz super shots one of the tabaxi.
They flee. Otis scores an AoO on the last before it flees and takes a shot from Blizz.
One stabs Blizz in the back. Then strikes at Will. And flees.
Otis gets hit with a weird heart attack.
Otis chases after the tabaxi that fled from him.
Archer and Blizz skewer the Tabaxi that arrived to shoot Archer.
Otis catches up to the two and throws a javelin, hitting the one with summoned blade.
Archer fires a blind shot and hits something.
Rhinan mega sprints.
Half Orc sprints after taking his dog back to the porch.
Otis gets double-shot. Then the shadowblade guy attacks Otis, too.
Otis gets roughed up. Rhinan flanks and misses. Half Orc catches shadowblade guy.
Shadowblade gets tripped by Archer and wailed on but all attacks missed. He gets up on his fours, hisses, and disappears. BAAAAH.
Blizz stabs the fleeing archer in the back.
Talk to Kyger. He caught the dagger guy yesterday. Otis decapitates that one. He's got two nice knives, really nice studded leather armor.
More studded leather from the other one (we gave him spark salts because Blizz cut his spinal cord), Longbow, 14 arrows, coin pouch with 35 Rune.
Take a SHORT REST. Otis cradles the screaming, paralyzed Tabaxi.
He's very into gardening. It's obvious in his garden outside.
He tells us of the place in the city to the safehouse. House area where it's a much poorer part of Hogenbran's Landing. There's some apartment housing. It's one of the ones that had been deemed unsafe to live in due to floor issues. He was able to find him because he's good at finding people. Search in the right areas and I got lucky. He knows a little of magic derived from nature. Volunteers to help us find the third.
Make our way back to law office. Different deputy on duty. Drop the head in the office. He's impressed when we brought in the head. Even MORE impressed when we brought in the second. Store paralyzed tabaxi in a cell. 24 Septir. Old man gives us more. ANNNNND 3 Rune after Blizz asks for more.
We talk about how this would be a bigger operation.
"We'd love if you brought this guy in, but there might be someone who pays more because of his magic (but you need proof). We'd pay you, but it'd be about the same. We don't technically have a wanted out for him."
Who are they?
They have requested in the past if we caght anyone with arcane talents they would pay handsomely.
Where do we find them?
HQ in Alabaster. Ways away. Believe they had some kind of outpost here. Got a letter from them, don't remember their name. They got to us through Alabaster's guard station, so assume they're reputable. You might need to give me a day to wait or head to Alabaster.
Reconvene tomorrow.