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Sat 17th Dec 2022 04:46

Session 13

by Archer Hastings

Dwarves had brass knuckles that had runes on them that glowed. When you punched, they exploded in a thunderclap. Skywatcher tested them on Blizz and it worked.
Head back to the keep. Cirkillian Avos should be back sometime in the near future. We were invited to stay at the Avos estate. It's a large, very nice keep. There aren't a ton of people here. We get the sense that he's taken (he commands a decent force of men against the King of Rats). Stidge the Feral lost his hands and we gave him to the Crows and they sent him to Cirkillian Avos.
They know about you here. One of the reasons Lady Avos was willing to take us in and knew we'd be good for the job that we just did.
Built out training grounds with archery ranges. There are a few guards that have been left behind. Friends and other people come in and out from Eagle's Landing. Most of the company they keep are much more open minded than the normal racist townsfolk (Imperialists -- Holy Aldontian Empire). Eagle's Nest is an Aldontian Providence.
There are people that live in the Empire that also believe in the religion but aren't extremeists. If someone comes in for political reasons, we stay out of the way.
We are welcome to use the facilities, put up in nice rooms, eat and drink well, do some training (why we level up to Level 4).
Another day and a messenger comes in while we are eating lunch. "His ship's been sighted!" (He says that to Lady Avos.)
The castle is on a cliff overlooking the ocean. We go down a staircase carved into the cliff walls to his private dock. Fancy ship -- gilded golden eagle on the front of it. Full crew "good-sized" ship.
As it comes in to dock, a man jumps off. He's picturesque, tall, hair flowing (a bit older, mid-40's), beard, blonde hair. He's a bit grimey. Well-made armor is scuffed and grimey, too. He scoops up his wife and kisses her.
There's a decent group of people that have gathered for this return. Little bit of somberness as three dead are brought out on top of shields. He greets people, charming, charismatic, shining light.
He eventually makes his way to us. "It's so wonderful that you've made. My wife had told me the amazing help and I'm so appreciative. That coupled with the amazing work you've done with the Crows, the mission I've had that was a great success..."
Otis: "Oh good, I sure hope he was able to give you a 'hand'!"
He laughs at that. "I'd like to have a day to spend at home. But, from this mission that I've just returned from, I have learned of another location and would be honored if you would join me."
"Will you meet with me up in my courtyard?"
Blizz: "Sure! Will we be going to Hogenbrand's?"
"I'm afraid that's the other way."
We gather in the courtyard. There's a young very pretty girl that was with him that greeted Lady Avos very fondly and is standing next to her. She's in a battledress-type thing.
"Friends! We have just returned from a great victory against the vile swarm of the King of Rats. While we were there, we discovered some disturbing things. While I would love to stay home and enjoy my wonderful life here at home--" Looks to his wife fondly. "--I feel it's important to take care of this issue before it gets too out of hand. While we were assaulting one of their bases, we came across a vile monster that killed two of our men. We also learned where they are creating these monsters.
"We cannot ignore this issue and with the information we have we cannot stand idly by. In two days, in the morning, we will depart. As you know, this service is always voluntary. Go get some rest."
"I must warn you, what you are about to see is quite horrific. We need to show you the terrors of what these criminals are creating." He signals to the guy next to the barrel. He knocks of the seal and knocks the barrel over. It was a rat's head, but noticeably bigger. Smell of vinegar and brine.
"This is what we are up against. Think on it. If you need anything, please let me know." Then everyone disperses.
Discussing with his wife and some other young girl. We talk to butler to set up a meeting.
We go to the meeting.
"Is there any question I can answer for you? I'd love it if you came with me on this next excursion."
Blizz: "You know we've fought one of these before?"
"Yes, the handless man said he had one at his disposal..."
Rhinan: "How did they make them?"
Him: "Take normal rats, mutate them with some device they have. We couldn't find anyone that knew about or was willing to talk about it. Unfortunately, most of the people we had to kill. There weren't a lot of prisoners."
"There are supposedly several variations. Some were mutated to have thicker hide and venom. We didn't encounter any of those; just the giant one. It was plenty for us to deal with. We don't know the extent of what they're creating, but that is why there is so much haste required. I feel it's important that we get there as soon as possible and stop what they're doing before, gods forbid, they create an army."
Blizz: "Itenerary? Where we going?"
Him: "Laboratory we were able to glean from a map we found. It's on an island about a week south of here, depending on the winds. It's not inhabited. It's said to be dangerous by the cartographers. I assume that's why they use this place; no one goes there as of now. The mission will comprise of us sailing down there, the map to the island is all we have. All of their locations we've discovered so far have been well-hidden, but... we found them. So we must arrive, seek out their laboratory, and take out any creatures that we find there."
"Unfortunately, I don't know how many of the men that came with me on this last mission will be willing to come on the next one. They... alot of them have never seen something like this before and it traumatized them."
Blizz: "How many do you think will come this time?"
"A solid fifteen. I had twenty-six this past one. A good ten of them won't be willing to again, especially so soon. Ten have been with for so long that not much phases them anymore; the other five I'm not so confident on. So it would make a significant difference if you joined me."
Skywatcher: "You said this is voluntary. Can we expect compensation?"
"Yes. I can pay."
The party agrees to go. We offer to help getting the mission prepped.
Daron: "How do you plan on using us?"
Him: "Numbers are good but experienced numbers are better. And you have experience specifically with these types of enemies. I need help first finding the place. Once we assault (after we've scouted and planned), I break into teams. Offer suggestions based on your abilities. I know my team well and you know yours. However you feel like you'll be most useful, I'll take into account. We'll make a plan on how to best infiltrate the facility. I trust that you'll get done whatever you need to get done."

Blizz crafts drug and fire arrows.

  • 7 Fire arrows

Daron: Wants to create an arrow that splits to double poke one target. Create an arrow that splits in flight and can hit 2 bad guys within 5 feet of each other. Arrow that has a net contraption.
11 Bola Bolts
12 Shrapnel Bolts
13 Pronged (+1) Bolts
3 Drug Bolts
10 Splitter Bolt

Skywatcher: How do I sail?
Avos: Watch my sailors.
(After a week of shadowing sailors, you have 1 point of knowledge on how to sail a ship.)

Their docks are generally hidden. We'll take a ground force and search. That usually is best because we have the element of surprise. Ship is very easy to spot.
We come in at night so that we're not as easily seen. We go onto shore on rowboats. Once we're on shore, Avos says "We can use this as a meeting spot to cover more ground or stay together if that makes you more comfortable."
Total of 18 men. "We'll recoup here tonight."
Party agrees to split from Avos.
We find a secure clearing and setup camp. We rest up for the rest of the night so we can search in daylight.

We go explore the coastline to hopefully find their dock.
Blizz climbs trees every once-in-a-while to get a overhead peek. Otis asked Blizz to keep an eye out for birds. Blizz finds one on a low branch.
Otis: "Hello, little birdie! We are looking for the big scary men?"
From its tweets and whistles you kind of get the sense that there are big scary things with two legs a little bit further in and to the east. (We went west). Otis bribes it with berries.
Bird circles for a little but then flies away.
Rhinan begins to discover some signs of things that have happened. Disturbance in the ground. No footprints. Drag signs.
As we're approaching quietly we come across an unnatural pillar that must've been used for a building. We see rock formations that don't look like rock formations. Then it turns into ruins. Overgrown with jungle fauna.
There's also some kind of yellowy-mucous that's left on some of the ruins. Rhinan points it out. It's reminiscent of what slug's leave behind. It's probably poisonous. Blizz dips his normal arrow into the nasty mucous.
High PP begin to notice the sound of things sliding on something else. Slight suctioning.
Scary creepy scaley insect snake-things (says Blizz) we probably want to go around them.
We try to go around them. The deeper you get, the more you can hear and you start seeing them.
Blizz got to a building. Got to the second floor. Anchored a rope. Otis puts his hand in some poisonous mucous. It burns a little (but it doesn't cause damage), but Otis curses out in pain. We hear a creepy thing approaching.
We go down the hallway opposite of that thing.