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Mon 6th Jun 2022 02:42

Session 7

by Archer Hastings

Urgent Wake

This evening we got back onto the Wake.
Archer asks about boat-owning. Captain only captains the boat. Company owns it. :(
Blizz gets hold of a poisonous underwater plant (6 applications).
Archer sees some strange birds up in the crows' nest. They might be the cacathids. (On our way there, the captain told us about the problematic ship journey birds).
We get into port early early morning. We sleep on the boat.
Previously, Archer asks about ambitions.
Emron and Sebastian are peacing out. They've got stuff to do after they get paid.
Skywatcher doesn't really have any goals.
Rhinan wants to go see the crusader.
Blizz wants to see the things, buy the things, have the things.
Archer wants a boat.
Otis threatened me to take my mouth and my tongue.

At Port (Hogenbran's Landing)

West Seas Trading Company Public Resource Building.
Archer notices pickpockets.


Most of this port is transportation. Lots of people come from Rodain before going somewhere else. It's a booming town. Another port is around the town in an inlet for commerce. The one we're coming into is strictly transportation. Good sized town. Island is called Bristig. Biggest town on this island. Lots of people stop and stay here. Of the Kingdom of Brydia from Rodain. We were here at the start. Stayed at the Sleeping Deer.
Main road (looking at the port) goes up the island. All along the main road is lots of activity. It calms down a little as you get higher up. Street vendors, shops, services of all sorts, taverns, inns, and, at the end, is the Baron's Manor. His name is : Poldrick Guise.

Public Resource Building

Show the front desk the notice we got in the first place. Resource Officer meets us. Female Human Resource Officer, we all have met her before. "You've completed the task we asked you to perform. We ask for proof."
Archer gives him the note. She is smiling the whole time.
Pulls out 8 bags of coins.
"We like it when people get the job done. Would you mind putting your names down so we can reach out to you in the future?"
Daron Esmerian, Bill Buttelicker, Raging, Rhinan, Talai but not Skywatcher jot down those names.
Each bag has 35 silver.

Starting Gold!

6 Silver for Archer, 35 Each, 20 from the Crows, 12 silver and 5 pik from the warehouse.
Archer: 76 runes 5 piks
Decent Sword: 20 Rune
Horse: Kolby doesnt know
Inn: Sleepy Deer -- 3 Rune (includes night and meal), 6 Rune for a Nice Room
7 - 10 Runes for Nicer Places.
Chain Mail: 10, 30 septirs


Archer and Skywatcher go and get their breastplates resized. Otis goes to a tavern to get a drink. The Whale Spout (Most popular), Sailor's Bar, Silver Vine. Otis goes to the Whale Spout. Still early morning. Very lively. Otis goes for a gallon for 7 pik. Soup is 4 pik. Meal is like 9 pik. He buys 2 pik worth of bread.
To the Armorer!
We find Orlom Burnsteins Armory. He was recommended by those we talked to (he's also the closest). He's a dwarf with brown hair. Medium cut. His beard is braided into two braids and he tucks them into his belt. "Can you resize these breastplates?"
Daron: 3 Rune
Skywatcher: 4 Rune 5 Pik
Daron says he will be coming back.
Blizz gets pricing on things and finds out it's really expensive. Weapons guy or arrows and bows? Hunting Shop!
Rhinan is looking for archeological artifacts. She gets directions to the house of an enthusiast (appraisal / buyer).
Hunting Shop. Basic and nicer bows.
Bolts cost 15 Pik for 20 Iron Bolts
Steel 25 Pik for 20.
Archer and Blizz buy 20 bolts/arrows.

Item Appraiser for Rhinan. Normal house. Curtains are closed.
Metal of the hammer is cursed. "Leave it with me. I'll be able to... I have a connection; it will take them some time, and they only stop in every once in a while, might have to come back in a month or so, they know how to read curses. This man knows, it's a rare skill. I will ensure this curse is read up. You then could take this metal and do some extraordinary things with it. Two fascinating finds today, you have made my day!! Small tip when it's done!"
"Beautiful magic gems! Take care of them, they are very rare."
"Crystals formed in a place where strange magic was all over the place. I can't identify the magic, but I can tell it is of magic. It does have the magic, yes. Not evil magic like the hammer, but it is strange magic. Can I keep it?"
Blizz. "No."
Babbles and finally, reluctantly returns the drugs. Because Blizz tells him it is indeed a drug. He tells us to return in about a month.
Blizz. "How do we ensure this hammerhead is here when we return?"
"I uhh.... I live here."

Meet back up at the Whale's Spout.
Naithea says she got a message from a dolphin and said ta-ta.
Blizz. 20 Perception. Hears an interesting story. Some people are talking about a nobleman that was building his estate up in the mountains. He purchased a large plot of land and was building up there. While his workers were building a foundation, he unearthed something and there were problems. Some workers died. The noble went to the military and asked for help but they are busy and seem like they don't care. He's frustrated with them, continuing to try and get their help with whatever his problems are.
Blizz. "Got any information about this?" Flipping a coin.
Drinkers. "Why do you wanna know?"
Blizz. "Just like to know things, that's why I'm here."
Drinkers. "We can, yeah." They wait, staring at the silver.
Blizz. Drops 5 pik.
Drinkers. "The nobleman is Lord Sammil. Southwest side of the moutains, couple miles from here. Easy to get to; there's a trail. There are other estates in the area. Nobody knows what happened except the workers. They're keeping them quiet. I heard it from a military buddy of mine. Nobleman going to his superior officer about his problems."
Blizz. Flips them the silver.
Archer. Asks barkeep about jobs. Says he has notice board, sorry kid.
Blizz. Blizz tells Archer.
Lots of boring stuff on the notice board. Mining GUild, Moving Boxes, Navy.
2 Jobs with staggering rewards. 1 pays 10 septur. 2 doesn't have a lot of information but says "Good Pay"
1. Septur: WANTED: Dangerous Criminal Silent Shadow, a black haired tabaxi who is wanted for murder, theft, arson, and a forgery of official documents; law officials have tracked him to Bristig and believe him to be hiding in Hogenbran's Landing. Go to nearest law office.
2. Bristig's Royal Huntsman in Hogenbran's Landing.
1 Short Rest Package Each (3 Uses)
3 Restoratives
2 Shots
10 uses of spark dust
Blizz takes 2 restoratives, 1 shot
Otis takes 1 shot
2 life spark salt per person
1 each Repairing Salve


We decided to go puruse the noble rumor. It's mid-afternoon. Passing through trees, exit the town. Wilderness walks. All a path! It's been used; cart tracks. Not a ton. A little over two years old. Follow the path for 45 minutes before we start seeing massive manor estates along the mountain. Go about a mile before we see one that is (they said it was the fourth one down) cleared of trees and nothing is built it.
We just go up the path. Before we get to the clearing, we come to a ring of wagons. There are a couple guards patrolling around them. Fire inside the ring of guards.
Blizz. "We want to talk to Lord Sammil." He goes into the ring and comes back with a well-dressed and dirty man.
Sammil. "What can I do for you?"
Archer takes point.
Sammil. "Interesting. I am not Lord Sammil. I am his butler. He's still trying to get military help. I do believe you are the type of people. I do believe he would welcome your help!"
Blizz. "What if he came back and the problem would be gone?"
Butler. "That sounds most excellent. I imagine you would be well-rewarded. I can give you as much information as I have, but little is known. You are welcome to enter the circle of wagons."
Blizz. "What's your name, sir?"
Butler. "I am Gallin. Would you like to enter our wagon circle?" It's a decent size circle. Construction material and tools. Inside there is a bunch of workers. There's a little group that appears to be house servants. Butler leads us here. "What do you know?"
Archer. Explains.
Butler. "I can't tell you much more than you already know. Terrible things. Ripped people to shreds. I didn't see it myself, but I heard."
We've confirmed that he has a boat.
When will he return. As soon as it's cleared.
Archer. Can we talk to a worker that saw it?
Gallin. Suppose that would be okay.
We go and ask around. Decent-sized group, 10 or 12 that saw it. "It came out of nowhere. We were digging. Someone found a hole, we went and started and uncovered, stepped inside, there were terrible noises, screaming ran out, six of us didn't come out. There was this arm that looked like shiny rock. Just saw the arm. Some guys said they saw glowing red eyes..."