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Mon 16th May 2022 01:17

Session 6

by Archer Hastings

Big 250 foot tall room with 4 pillars. Murals with man wearing robes and headdress, wavy flairs (Kolby has picture). He has his arms outstretched; above him is the weird pattern symbol we saw replacing the head of the body on the being in the chamber above. Also has a stone sculpture of this guy, much more detailed, headdress, arms crossed (10-11 feet tall). Purple crystals embedded throughout the room light it up.
Left wall: same man with the headdress stands over a large group of people bowing down and chained together; they're chained together, he has whipo
Right: Grand buildings, pyramids, temples, all kinds of architecturally awesome buildings. He's holding a hammer up in the air.

As we enter, the statue moves and reveals the human-version of this dude. He's not decayed. Holding a whip and hammer in his hand. Purple robes. (Ovid Scizor) Medallion with a purple crystal in it. Purple eyes. Goes down on a knee and crosses his hand on his chest and starts speaking in breathy, sinister voice. Nobody can understand the words coming out of his mouth. Rhinan translates.
"I am ready to serve, what is our lord's bidding?"
"How long have you been down here?" Rhinan
"What is the year?"
"389 AA"
"Time must have changed... we were passed the year 389 when I was last aware." It must have been before the Apocalypse of Agaralaksjdg;lkajsdg
"Come with us, we'll fill you in later."
"I... why can you not tell me our lord's will now?"
"Cause we gotta hurry! We gotta go now!"
"This chamber is locked in time, we have all the time in the world."
"You were sent by our lord.... right?"
Rhinan... "Yeeeaaaahh..."
He cracks his whip. 4 crystals on each side of the pillar. All of the outside cyrstals go out. Outside of the pillars, it's absolute darkness. There are screams from our friends behind us; we can hear commotion, like them fighting. The four of us are left with him. Out of the darkness behind him, two more skeletons come out.
We almost die. Skywatcher breaks the medallion chain (that rejuvinated him twice). Rhinan kills him from a stab in the back. Rhinan goes down, dolphin totem restores her, Rhinan and Blizz go down, Skywatcher saves them. Archer is cursed and freezes.
The last skeleton is slain by Skywatcher and the darkness dissipates. We see our friends finishing off other skeletons.
The man's weapons hurt to pick up; we put them on a shield.

"Your faithful service has deemed you worthy to rise again when our lord returns. He grants you this gift that you may be untouched by time." The medallion carving is here as well.
We still the headdress.
Rhinan takes a sword.
The hole is still closed. Skywatcher goes up, the medallion in his bag flashes and the hole opens!
We also took the purple robe.
We took all swords. (14ish scimitars).
The staleness spot, Skywatcher cannot walk out with the amulet. He drops it down the ladder spot.
We realize we cannot destroy the cave, then Blizz realizes that the natural order of things needs to be restored. So we go back in and get the stupid medallion, take it to the top level, Skywatcher shatters it. The whole place shutters. Everything behind us begins to crumble and decay; all the weapons, armor, and clothing begins to decay as time catches up with it. Everything except the head of the hammer. Bluish tinged metal. Seems to still be cursed. The material itself might be useful if uncursed. The whole timeless spot disappears and the cave begins to drop down into this spot. Cave in. We go down the tunnel as fast as we can, Skywatcher gets knocked by a boulder and falls unconscious. Rhinan saves him, Naithea swims him out and stabilizes him. The cave obviously breaks and is destroyed.
We head back to Crows. Back to where we met with Vierden. We are stopped by the Crows at the entrance. "Let me go make sure Vierden knows you're here."
They let us into the clearing. No fire is lit (morning, it's the same time as when we went in). Nice morning. Vierden comes out. "Ah, welcome. You return very quickly here. Onwen returned moments before you with the slaves and the prisoners. Were you successful in destroying the cave? She said you did a successful job with the warehouse; we see the success. You did an excellent job. But did you destroy the cave? It was very quick! How did you do it!"
Blizz. "Long story, you wouldn't believe us if we told you."
Vierden. "Fair enough. I will not press you."
Blizz. "Have you found other sources of these drugs before and seen weird things when you've found them?"
Vierden. "Weird as in how? This is the first time we've encountered this specific drugs. I have a friend, actually. A knight, valiant man. Waging his own personal war on these criminals. Dunno how much you know about them; The King of Rats, organization name is the King's Swarm. This Knight friend of mine has taken upon himself to wage a personal war against them. He's the one who helped us find this location, this is the first we've seen of this. There have been strange things happening; please, tell me what you mean first before I go off?"
Blizz. "There was a cave they had dug into. There were existing tunnels in the mountain to the cave. A very strange and old dungeon area that was there below the mountain with some strange magic."
Vierden. "And the cimrinals were using this strange magic to do..?"
Rhinan. "They didn't appear to be using it."
Vierden. "So they weren't using it?"
Blizz. "We had to fight some nasty creatures. Take care. Where these crystals appear, there may be something else."
Vierden. "The leader of the... ones you chopped his hands off--" Rhinan, "We need to talk to him" "-- please do! He needs to talk to my friend before we send him off to lock him away for life."
Blizz. "Rhinan, do you want to share the letter with him?"
Vierden. "I am happy to take anything that will help us in our hunt of these criminals."
Blizz. "It seems they know something of this. They might know than what we give them credit for."
Vierden. "Visit my friend! You are an invaluable resource. I am very grateful for all that you have done."
Rhinan. "Yeah!"
Vierden. "Will you get the chest for them?" he said to the servents. Servant brings the wooden chest and there's a bunch of silver inside. Vierden writes a letter "Circilian Ovos. Located at Eagles Nest. I will give you this letter from me letting him know who you are. Whenever you get the chance, I'm sure he needs all the help he can get. It seems our work here is done! We will be signalling our ship as soon as possible and leaving here. Do you need anything from the slaves or prisoners? We'll be trying to get them back to whereever they need to go. The prisoners will go to the authorities, except for the leader, we'll return him later."
Blizz. "Anymore stink capsules?"
Vierden. "Proof to the construction workers that we are gone. And yes, we can spare some." he unstraps his mask and gives it over. He's darker skinned and he has dark-green hair. Dark brown eyes. Wood elf. Blizz takes the mask.
Blizz. "How do you make the stink capsules?"
Vierden. "It's a bit of a process. We have someone who makes them. I can introduce you to the one makes them to give you a rundown."
Archer. "Do you know anyone that kn......"
Vierden. "What's wrong with him? That looks miserable. Go to a temple!"
Everyone gets one more stink bomb. Blizz gets ingredients.
We go back to the workers. The ship we came in on was the "Urgent Wake". It swings in close to shore and looks for the signal whether we are there or not.
Foreman of the Workers. "You're back! Great! They're gone?" Shown the mask. "We won't have any problems with 'em again? We can finish the construction of this dock? That's great!!"
He starts yelling to his workers to get work. "Wow. This is great! I'm gonna write you up a quick letter for, to turn in so you can get your pay. You did a great job, you weren't even gone that long! A day or so, maybe a bit more? We'll signal the Urgent Wake and it'll be here this evening. Take a load off!" Archer freaks him out asking for a bath; he's rudely told that he has to take an ocean bath.
Blizz grabs 12 torches.
LONG REST (Curse Fades)
Count the silver -- 160 silver.
Skywatcher shows us his crystals. The frog island with the shipwreck. He was digging through, found a box with crystals. 4 crystals. Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow.