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Wed 29th Nov 2023 12:26

Stubbornness and Progress

by Drexla Goldsprocket

Dear Journal, I am sorry I haven't written in a while. There has been so much going on. Between arriving in the city and fending off a Chimera attack (we managed to save all the wall defenders, didn't lose anyone!What shitty defenses though! If we hadn't been there the wall would have been breached.. I will bring up some ideas to the appropriate people.
Our success and efforts helping appeared to curry favor with the guard captain, who then answered a few questions and let us in without any more fuss. However, they didn't offer anything monetarily.. kind of disappointed in that.
Now that we are inside though this place is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!! So much tech everywhere. I've been in this backwards assed podunk island for so long I was starting to lose my edge.. This place will be a great opportunity for me to get some supplies and maybe even finish my next few projects. I just need to get hooked up with the right people.
We found a job board in the middle of town and managed to pick up some work. I got one specially for myself for a job working with the Engineer Dimmins. Sounds right up my alley. Captain V got one to capture a local thief, (if he is any good he won't be caught) and he got another one that sounded like a cooking job? I really haven't seen the Captain cook anything but he seems really interested in it and apparently has a recipe? I need more info on that.. I dunno
Toby found one that was asking for help with getting someone to sleep. sounds right up his alley. We all went to meet with the Mom of the boy.. at first she was open to us helping.. but really wanted a sleeping potion. With what we saw at the festival I am not sure that forcefully knocking the kid out with no protection was the best way to go, But Toby ended up using a spell. which REALLY pissed her off. I thought the WHOLE POINT was to put the kid to sleep... which we did.... MONEY PLEASE... Toby was concerned about the child. So used his abilities to go into the kids dreams to check on him. I wasn't there so not sure what happened, but apparently the kid is safe now in Tobys dream world.
In the middle of town we found Dr Mathias (smiling man?) giving away Elixers to the townfolk, claiming it would cure them from something. Upon scanning the population I found that a fair number of them have had their Aura altered, it now glows red, like the demon circles magic.. and I watched as a normy drank a potion and his Aura changed red. After watching the people change at the festival to the Chimeras I have a bad feeling about this. Although i didn't see any red glowy auras there. If this Dr Mathias is behind it. I am sure its not good.
We met up with the Prince and his crew, and got a bit of useful information out of them. And Luna borrowed his portable lab to do some experimentation on the Chimeras, I assisted her and also found schematics for a underwater ship while snooping around the lab. People really shouldn't leave stuff laying around unattended if they don't want it seen. I am going to try and figure out how to retrofit our ship to also go underwater.. If my crew is hunting someone, Stealth may be a good thing to have.
I applied for the job with the Engineers. Their tech is pretty advanced, and I'm out of practice. I still managed to do pretty well on my test and they hired me. My 1st day was to go out and tend to a couple of the life generators. 1st one went pretty smooth once i found it. The second one #4 has been tampered with though. I repaired it and tried to enhance its output. Didn't do so great, but I learned a lot and I still brought back a motherboard and a report of the tampering to let my boss know. He didn't seem too concerned. which concerns me.
I brought up some ideas for additional defenses on the gate. He didn't seem too worried about it though. He said each faction takes turns and they don't really care what happens to the others on their shift. Mutually assured destruction seems kind of important. This place is a oasis on this backwards island and I really don't want anything to happen to it. I will see what i can do on my own. I expected better from the Dimmin.
After talking with one of the other factions, they were unwilling to help either.. These people are all stuck on stupid.
We went to another of the job board postings. A man who was sick and in need of healing. The lady bartender seemed nice. And she brought us to see her husband.. I don't wanna say he's dead.. but HE DEAD.. The smell was absolutely horrid, not even my naturally flowery scent kept that stench out. She said he was drinking water but wouldn't eat. The "Water" turns out to be the Mathias potion #9.. And according to her, Mathias has taken a interest in his progress.. I wonder if he is trying to find a way to get the Mirrin chimera disease to jump to the other races.. if he does we are doomed. Or it may be turning him into a new undead thing. His original Aura is almost gone.
I asked her to keep him locked up as i fear he will turn soon. And for the god's sake.. please stop drinking the damn water... She blew me off. if he turns she's screwed.. who knows the damage it will cause before the contagion is contained. NO ONE IS LISTENING!!! I am even showing them what I am seeing.. I'm not even sure why I care.. I guess if everyone dies, I will have all the tech I need for a while. But still there is only so much I can do alone. I am too little. And I would be sad if my friends got caught up in the crossfire. They are all kinda lost like I was, it's nice having people who don't hate me for what I am, .. they need me to protect them.. and I need them to protect me.
I will try and convince my boss of what I see.. He seems to have the analytical mind and power to do something if I can PROVE it via science, then he cannot disregard me.
We managed to capture "The Masque"... Gods damned rogue Kenku.. I knew it the minute I saw the solid dirt and the broken floorboards at the scene of the crime. It was the only thing that made sense. We set up a sting operation, with minimal cooperation from the shop owners. And managed to catch him in the act.. He was a quick bugger. But Toby's sleep spell stopped him in his tracks. On the way to the town guards I offered him a way out if he joined our crew, he wasn't interested. I hated turning him over to the authorities, but he really left us no choice. At least we are 600g richer for our troubles. Not a bad days work if you ask me.
Bricky finally asked me to make him something.. a Leatherworking kit and a Instrument like Miguels, only bigger.. I can do that. and maybe i can somehow integrate some tech into it for some additional powers? I need to come up with something cool. {Pulls some powder out of her vest, sniffs it up, and after a moment of spacing out as her brain kicks into overdrive, begins scribbling frantically in her schematic book)
(need rolls for a schematic for a submersible ship conversion and a Electric Guitar with ?)
So proud of all my friends. We are doing great.. Tomorrow is a new day!! The world will soon find out what the Extrayan Enclave can do.