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Wed 22nd Mar 2023 05:43

Arrival at the Festival!

by Drexla Goldsprocket

What a JOURNEY !!! I cant believe we were ambushed on the way here... by KOBOLDS no less. I really need to work on security. We survived but not without some close calls. Almost lost my Captain and the big kitty person. Also I need to work on the calibration on my grappler and my Needler, neither functioned as expected. The sights are a little off.
:: Drexla scribbles some notes in her book regarding this::
I invented some new contraptions I need to test out. A :Force Amplifier Upgrade: for weapons.. a :Remote Item Retriever:.. and a :Invisible Manipulator: to help me with my inventing. some things are just too big for me to move around on my own.. i will need it when assembling Mark.
The group appears to be capable, but definately needs improvement.
Bricky, the big undead hume-looking construct is intimidating.. but overall seems kind of lost and not dangerous as long as he is not threatened. From my investigation i know he is similar to what at create, at least at his core, the rest is beyond me. I need to interrogate him more about the method of his creation.. Could he be the key i have been looking for to grant Mark his Sentience ? Maybe i can help him in trade for his information, he is big, but cant do a lot of damage with his hands. Maybe a portable cannon?
::She begins sketching out the plans for a shoulder or arm mounted hand cannon::
Captain V had some difficulty during the fight, i am not sure if he couldn't see, or was just not used to land combat. I need to make sure i have his back more, he seems to do better when someone is close by to distract his opponent. I'm not sure what his mission is here, I can't fully help him if he doesn't get me in on the loop. I do know he needs help running his books and contracts though, he has too many other important things to worry about, I will work on that for him.
The pretty Elf Lady Luna was amazing!! I had never seen magicks like that before! I need to learn more about her, I feel she is FAR older than she appears. She speaks of things as if they are actual memories. Even though they occured many centuries ago. I need to pick her brain on that.. Papa told me stories of the times before.. when Artisans crafted wonderous mechanical items far beyond the scope of what we can do now.. maybe she knows of them?
The small goblin Bogbean is as ferocious in combat as she is in eating. Those Kob's didnt stand a chance. I wish we had better luck in scavenging from our kills.. Methinks we were a tad to overzealous in our dissection. One thing i'll say for her.. she really enjoys her chosen profession. Almost as much as i enjoy Tinkering.
We almost lost our Kitty Tobias.. he knocked the SHIIIT out of that kobold, he is way tougher than i expected. He was doing great until that winged Kob cast a spell at him.. all that armor didn't to stop that. I am grateful that i was able to stabilize him. Need him happy and healthy to keep us fed. He is a shrewd businessman, even got one over on Captain V. That will not happen again under my watch. I am wondering why everyone hates him around here. i mean.. all he does is cook food.. everyone likes food don't they?
::Damnit.. now i am hungry again, i don't think he will notice if i help myself to a snack.. i'm little. i don't eat much:
I thought I had escaped being around Humes coming here.. until that big gold kitty showed up with one.. granted.. he was a slave, but simply being alive.. drawing breath... even in that status is an abomination.. Given half a chance.. i will rectify that.
The festival itself is amazing. so many different races in one place.. working together.. its a ordered chaos, but chaos i can use to my advantage..
I made all these little clockworks with hopes of making some coin.. Sold one, but i guess the population hasn't really got a interest yet for mechanical things.. I need to find some essences so i can try and make them more lifelike. I mean... what kid WOULDNT want a toy that actually plays with them back.. best part.. you don't have to feed them!
I wish papa was here.. he was such an amazing inventor.. Every time i look back at my wings it reminds me of his craftsmanship and his love...F#$&^ing Humes took him and mama from me..
::Drexla shudders for a moment as a rage encompasses her when she thinks about that day... she takes a deep breath and regains her composure::
On a positive note, SCORE!! I tested out one of my inventions. the ::Remote Wormhole Retriever::.. it worked perfectly. Other than almost being eaten by the frog man.. I spend most of my time trying not to be eaten by creatures, you would think that I would have been more prepared.. what a indignant ending that would have been.. ::looks a little pale and throws up a little in her mouth at the memory of being covered in frog snot::
Well.. regardless of that...indignation.. This will prove very useful and lucrative moving forward. And i got some parts that i can use to hopefully craft some items with. TOTALLY worth it.
I am interested in this festival combat... i am not sure how well I will do, but to get granted 1 request of the tribes at the festival? It would certainly save time having to track down whoever has the crystal i need for MARK.
I need to find out more about that big rock in the center of town. That magic is unlike anything i have seen. I need to know more about it. I just need a bit of time with it.. and my goggles to analyze its secrets.