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Wed 16th Aug 2023 11:22

Contracts and Honor

by Drexla Goldsprocket

I am so grateful the group agreed to go see Lady Kree, hoping for news on survivors and more insight as to what is going on on the Mirrin Island... also it allows me to hopefully fulfil my contract to help the Kenku with their Dog-person problem. A deal is a deal.
Finally underway, i took the opportunity to show the First Mate my modifications for the Ballista. He was quite impressed with the power I was able to show. Not to mention my invention removes the need for a second person to help reload , ammunition and firing time by 1/3!..
I then showed him how it can be additionally modified with a wire reel to help with harpooning/fishing. Using my Scout i located some creatures swimming behind the ship. Taking the opportunity I fired at them. I didn't hit, but still pulled up a very angry blood red person. He was quite pissed!! I am sure at being shot at.. but seemed to be more upset at the modification to the Ballista. He proceeded to rip off my modification and damage it, then attacked me.. OMG he hits hard!!! My arm still hurts even though its healed. Fortunately the First Mate attempted to help me. and attempted to grapple him. I assisted with my grappling hook wire as he seemed like a slippery lil sucker.. We finally got him restrained. Then Captain V appeared out of nowhere and clocked him in the head good.. like... REALLY good.. and then proceeded to get struck by lightning again. Fortunately i was not in his bag this time so wasn't smacked. I am seeing a pattern here. I did notice that Bricky wasn't much in a hurry to help me as i was getting by ass kicked.. Something still isn't right there.
I don't know how to STOP the lightning, but I think i can use one of my gems as a battery to harness it to give him a little lightning damage on his sword when he strikes. I need to learn to cut gems or find someone to prepare it. before i can do that though. (pulls out her notebook and begins drawing a schematic for the modification)
Bricky asked what can be done with what he had gathered. He actually found some good stuff he proceeded to share with the party. He gave me a couple Common Primal essences, which i then used to power some permanent modifications to the ship, Bogbeans weapons and Capt V's Dagger.
1. Ship Ballista got permanent Blaster Upgrade (Arcane weapon)
2 Bogbean got Permament Blaster Upgrade (Arcane weapon) on her sword and Automatic Recovery System (Returning Weapon) on her Scythe (Mr Peepers is screwed!!!!)
3 Captain V got permanent Automatic Recovery System (Returning Weapon) on his Dagger
They all seemed quite pleased with the results. Hopefully Bloodhook will leave the new upgrade on the Ballista alone, I also worked on the Cargo Loading System for the ship. I managed to make it so it hides away nicely to keep it safe from him. Hopefully by the time he notices, the rest of the crew will have seen how much work it will save them.
We had a crew meeting, Blood-hook was there... but was pretty much a completely different person. Very proper and quaint. He kept referring himself as "We". I'm not sure how many he means by "We" but I much prefer the current one. Though I can see how the others can be channeled if played right.
The crew wasn't terribly happy that I had signed up, but I expect that. I am the new gal, I have to prove myself. Captain V was quick to come to my defense yet again. He is definatly showing me what loyalty is. Not something I have experienced much of beyond Momma and Papa.. I like how it makes me feel and to be honest, it sure doesn't hurt that he is quite pleasing to the eyes.. dashing, handsome, well dressed... and such a pretty shade of blue.. ::Drexla's mind wanders for a second before she catches herself, blushes and refocuses on her journal:: With my assistance he is turning into quite a formidable fighter, I cant wait to see what else I cook up for him!
I am still not quite sure what the crews agenda is, They keep referencing a mission. Captain V said we have to hunt someone down? A ship? Hell I'm all for a revenge killing if they hurt the Captain, just point me in the right direction. But i feel there is more going on here than i am being made aware of. Its ok though I have nothing but time.
We were attacked by Flying Orca's? I studied them in my papa's books.. but there wasn't anything mentioned about them flying or being spellcasters.. That was definately new information. They tried to get Toby's horse but we managed to take them down before then. Bogbean got hurt falling off a flying Orca, but Bricky helped her out.. I got a good shot with my newly upgraded Ballista and broke its spell concentration, unfortunately (fortunately?) It fell towards Bricky and Bogbean, but he threw her out of the way.. then neglected to move himself and had several thousand pounds of whale land on him.. That probably would have killed any of us in the party,, except the one who doesn't breathe.
After the fight was over, I did some research and tried to see if there was physiologically a difference between the schematics i had seen in papas books and these whales, but I couldn't find anything. Whatever had been done to give them these abilities was pure magic. I did manage to get a Common Curative Reagent off one though. Which reminded me of the 20 regents i found while gathering! I asked Luna if she could use them and of course she said she can so I parted with them. Alchemy was never my strong suit so I am glad they are going to good use.
While travelling i was checking out the First Mates damaged wings. I'm pretty sure that I can use a modified and enlarged version of my wings to give him his flight back. I know it will be a sensitive topic of discussion for him, but of all people, I feel I am the best suited for that conversation... if anyone understands losing your wings, its me. ::Drexla pulls out her schematic book and begins designing a set of replacement dragon wings::
During our journey I made sure to have my owl scouting the path ahead for ambushes, she reported back to me a wrecked wagon with a bunch of blood splattered everywhere. I of course warned the party and we went to investigate. A entire wagon was ripped apart! Skeletons of different species lay everywhere, picked clean.. Inside the wagon were some Kenku child skeletons (none of them appear to be inside out, not fairy's fault) still wearing necklaces, I took one to bring back to the Kenku in case this will help them identify their missing people. I also found a large egg, bigger than me! Very warm, still has something living inside. I gave it to Luna to keep warm as she's fairly immobile . And asked her to keep it away from Bogbean and Miguel. F^*(@%#ing Miguel,, I should have shanked him when I had the opportunity... he is a liability, maybe i'll get lucky and he will be on Bricky's shoulders next time a whale falls on him.. I mean "IF a whale falls on him" cough cough..
I scanned some fur that Bricky found.., and it was emanating the same energy that the demons did and the arcane symbols did back in town. I don't think these are regular dog people.. and judging by the wagon's condition, we have our work cut out for us.. I am grateful I upgraded our party,, that may be all that keeps us alive when we meet this thing.