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Thu 11th May 2023 03:07

Tournament Day 2!

by Drexla Goldsprocket

What an exciting day! So much going on here i can barely keep up. I am quickly finding out what my fellow travelers need , but i only have so much time and so many resources. I need to make a list and figure out a order of importance. I need to make myself useful so when the shit hits the fan with the 88 I have some backup.
Apparently Bogbean encountered the 88 and she was questioning me on why they were looking for me. I was happy to tell her my story and of my invention. it was pretty ingenious if i do say so myself. It is doing its job exactly as designed, now THATS craftsmanship! Not really sure why the recipient is upset. His people signed the build contract, he should be pissed at them.. That story was fun telling until I got to the part where they killed Mom and Dad... That got me angry all over again.. #&*)(^#$%&* Humes..
I tried showing the group that Bricky's shadow was missing, but as soon as i pulled him closer to the fire he freaked out and bolted.. I was a little concerned but it wasn't like I was going to slow him down at all I guess he will come back when he gets tired.
Shortly after this all transpired three hooded figures appeared and said they were trying to get food. They talked to Tobias like he was a idiot.. he's a good kitty, doesn't need to be treated like that. Then they said something in Leonin.. "Grrrr...grrr..grr.grrrrrrr" apparently it was offensive because Tobias roared at them.. they then proceeded to draw arms on him.. Luna and I intervened and the leader of the group Removed his hood and diffused the situation. To my annoyance he appeared to be a Hume.. not only a Hume, but a prince at that... He had the nerve to say he came here looking for help. Screw those Humes.. It's not like they would help anyone else if the roles were reversed.. It took everything i had to not blast him into next week..
All three of them glowed with POWERFUL magic as i scanned them. The Dimmin offered to let me use his name to try and get into a local Tinkers guild on the mainland.. He had the nerve to say my Folding ship plans were rudimentary and that I had made mistakes in my calculations.. #1.. they are a masterpiece of craftsmanship... #2 I DON'T MAKE MISTAKES!!!.. I'm the first one to admit when I am wrong.... it just has never happened yet.. I tried to get a tag on the Dimmin's backpack, but it had some magical/mechanical protections. Live and learn.
While the newcomers ate Bogbean came running into the camp dragging Bricky behind her. Apparently they were attacked by some child's imaginary friend.. I kind of found that hard to believe, but the wounds on his leg were unlike anything I had seen and he is leaking a black liquid. I Collected some and gave it to Luna to see if she can figure out what it is. . Tobias says that he cannot heal him through normal means.. I am wondering if he can be healed the Construct based spells? Mend etc?
Tobias seemed interested in this Ella girl and her imaginary friend. he hasn't said why. So we decided to go the Tabaxi camp and see what we could learn. I tried to keep a low profile and move amongst the carts away from the group to avoid attention in case the 88 were still around. We managed to locate the creature and Ella.. Apparently only Bogbean can see him. Ella says that anytime someone hurts, bully's or is mean to her the creature shows up and takes care of the problem.. and the problem disappears. That seems odd to me, if people were disappearing wouldn't there be more concern from the others left behind? The creature attacked Bogbean, she attempted to hit it but said her weapon passed right through it. her blade ended up with some scratch marks. After the attack the creature disappeared..
I flew up to see if i could spot anything and saw a window open and close. And no one operating it.. I Called the party to follow me.. Bogbean rounded a corner and was frozen in fear.. I tried to act fast, triangulate where she was staring/pointing and used my Scroll of Burning hands.. the creature lit up for a short moment, but we all saw it.. then it disappeared. No one around here in this animal kingdom has this kind of magic..
So.. im not saying its Fey or Demons... but it's fey or Demons..
I investigated the house where the window opened and found a dead Tabaxi woman.. I noped the hell out of there really quick before I got blamed for this and we went to find the Tabaxi leader. She was a rude lady.. didn't want to listen to Tobias's story {To be fair, his meandering story is pretty much what goes on in my mind, only 1000 times faster, intermixed with about 100 other train of thoughts} so I followed it pretty well, but it was just excruciatingly slow. } Then when Bogbean showed her the claw marks on her weapon as proof. The Tabaxi seemed more interested in where the weapon came from than the murder..
Realizing at this moment that we have no way of tracking the Fey/Demon creature we decided to head to the tournament and see who is next. Apparently its us! We had a little better of a plan this time, with me providing smoke cover and shooting from a distance, and V sticking next to Luna to help protect her. It was a hard won fight with Both Luna and Cpt V getting knocked out, but by a hair we won! I cant wait until iIget some more projects complete.. I try really hard, but I fear I am the weakest fighter so far.
Apparently it was Bogbeans birthday? I will add that to my list of things i need to create for.
1. Captain V's Pistol #1
2 Bogbeans Birthday Present
3 Find out what Bricky, Luna and Tobias need.