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Mon 4th Dec 2023 06:00

Puzzles and Intrigue

by Drexla Goldsprocket

Hello Journal,
Another bright day, another job at hand! I woke up fresh as a daisy, and smelling as amazing as one too!.. the benefits of being a fairy i guess. So much on my plate today. My 1st goal was to try and talk to the Hell-Scarred Commander and see if I could appeal to their superstition and Paranoia.. SOMEONE has to listen to me.. So i head there on the way to work for a quick pit-stop. Upon arriving there is a legion of soldiers standing about trying to protect the barracks? Seems very in-efficient and wasteful of valuable productivity time but not my circus, not my monkeys. I asked to speak to the person in charge, and mentioned that I had urgent news about a plot within the city.
They of course were non-plussed and refused me entrance.. I tried to persuade them, but got nothing but a bucket of water thrown my way. Of course due to my quick reflexes i avoided the brunt of it. I tried my best to look imposing and even stamped my foot.. they weren't impressed and still refused me entrance. I am quickly coming to the realization that I care more about the safety of the city than they do.. And if that's the case, I may just wait it out and pick up the pieces when its over. I wont be as easily overlooked once M.A.R.K is done...
Fed up with these fools, I headed into work. My boss is working on something amazing. A new power source. I offered to test it for him, and even showed him my transmogrification module schematic, he says he doesn't understand WHY you would need to change purpose and called my schematics "rudimentary" wtf.. I think I am just before my time.. I hope he finishes it.. if he gets bored and leaves it laying around maybe I could take a stab at it. I think I just need to SHOW him what my invention can do. I don't think his mind is up to grasping what I have envisioned.
I got my second job.. to go repair a malfunctioning Drone.. Seems simple enough so I bolt out to get on with the task.. of course. .the drone is mobile and they haven't given me a map or breakdown or GPS coordinates or anything , so it took me a while to locate it.. I really need to download all the schematics for these bots and the map of the grounds.. would really help me. Anyhow I located it. and was able to hack into the system subroutines. I found some odd strings of code that didn't seem to match up with the main programming. I took copious notes and rebooted the system. It started scanning for a target.. this seemed beyond its intended function so I took precautions and make sure I had access to the "off" button in case it turned out dangerous.. Great thinking on my part!! the damn thing was scanning for ME!.. Arms came out.. it tried to grab me.. but i managed to turn it off before it made contact.. Ok now I had some mobile "proof" to take to the boss. So I took a quick bump to clear my head and focus and REALLY cracked the operating system wide open.. I was able to plot a course directly for the base and set off into town.
The drone was moving slow but steady, however once we got a bit into the city the damn thing began a self destruct sequence!.. Pretty nifty I suppose to protect the drones from being commandeered and being used as weapons against the town.. But not so good when you are riding it over a populated area.. I mean.. I could have just flown off.. but I need this evidence!!! So I tear into it trying to find another off switch. Fortunately I found it!!!.. Unfortunately this several hundred pound drone is going to smash into the ground.. I CAN NOT HAVE THAT!.. I boosted my strength.. and used my grappler to try and swing it to soften the blow.. It took all i had.. and almost took my arm! But between my efforts and a couple of townsfolk graciously using their bodies to soften the fall. I managed to get a ....slightly dented.. drone on the ground.
Thinking quickly I immediately flashed my badge, and took charge.. coconscripting several uninjured townsfolk into "Service to the Engineer Corps due to the emergency" and assuring everyone that due to my quick action in disabling a rogue drone in order to save the town. I quickly headed off with my new workers to the workshop.
Capt V and Golkir decided to come with, and to be honest I was appreciative of the company. Too many factions in the works here. All I need is to be jumped by the 88 again when I have drawn so much attention to myself. I can't have that right now. We made it unhindered back to the shop.. I tipped the help a gold each and sent them on their way. Then wen't inside, Capt V and Golkir attempted to follow but set off an alarm system which immeditely caged them up.. Boss was not happy I let them in.. I get it, but he don't know Cap V like I do. They were asked to wait outside and I then took the opportunity to try and convince Boss what happened.. he seemed less than convinced, but he said he would look into it. FUCK WHY DOESNT ANYONE BELEIVE ME!!! There is some sketchy shit going on here!!!!
Thoroughly done for the day I decided I was just gonna tag along with the crew the rest of the night. Capt V had an appointment we went to. I was just there for moral support.. wasn't even paying attention but I did manage to find a nifty sound dampening Opal i can make a invention with... it really amazes me how many people leave cool stuff just laying around.
After that we joined back up with the group.. Bricky didn't look so hot, and apparently there is a charging station nearby for him.. Luna seemed concerned from him going by himself, and figgured he would be better off if we were there, we all decided to go with. We ended up at some big gaudy mansion.. there were workers in tight leather suits and people in line to go in. However Bricky saw someone in charge and managed to get us in without too much of a wait..
I attempted to sneak off to see where the people from the line were going. but i was caught and herded back with the group. We ended up in a large room where we waited for a bit. Eventually the doctor came in.. and talked to bricky for a bit.. this whole thing made me uncomfortable. the next thing i know.. I passed out and woke up in a room with everyone except Bricky and Bogbean. My head hurts and im still a little fuzzy. Damn knockout gas.. ... not falling for that shit again.. my next invention will be a self-contained-respirator-mask.
Anyhow.. we woke up in a big square room with a door. After managing to get the door open it led into another room with a large pillar in the middle. LOTS of copper squares and a dead guy in the corner. A PUZZLE! YAY!!! havent had one of those in a while. We quickly figgured out that some squares are safe.. some shocked the shit out of you and some blew you around.. THEN shocked the shit out of you.. The wind was really bad for me. but I managed to use my grappler to get around easily enough.. I found a button on top of the pillar that didn't do anything yet.. And upon reaching the other side, found a door with several (6?) unlit crystals above the door and on the ground. I was unable to open it. I flew back to check the body and got shocked but got a cool metal lined coat (I need to convert that into a lightning collector for Capt V) After my group was moving around trying to see what the squares did through trial and error one eventually started glowing.. once someone got to standing on it, I flew back to the pillar and pushed the button. locking the color purple in. We managed to find the rest of the glowy squares and after a bit unlocked the rest of the colors of the rainbow. And the door opened. leading into a new room. Empty except for we could see a screen and on the screen Bricky and Bogbean. as they started their trials. It was pretty nerve wracking and was especially bad when we heard the doctor offer to let us make a "sacrifice" to help them.. They were about to be forced into a room with Umbral Larvae.. i've read about these.. and even as badass as Bogbean is.. I don't think they would have survived it. The sacrifice was for one of us to put our arms in some mechanism.. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. It was bigger than my entire body.
Toby-cat decided he would take the hit and put his arm in. It was encased in some kind of metal device. I checked it out but cant see, to find a way to get it off. I will monitor it and see how it affects Toby until I can get it off. Fortunately that was enough to get the Umbral Larvae obstacle removed. And Bogbean and Bricky moved on. There were a few more harrowing times but ultimately they made it to a room with a big throne.. I am guessing that's where Bricky charges.. however.. the Dr had one more surprise.. he said 2 of us could go help them.. Now a fight I can do!. Myself and Capt V volunteered. I always feel safer when he is around. "blushes and smiles at that thought." we jumped into some transportation tubes and ended up with Bogbean and Bricky not a moment too soon.. As soon as we arrived immediately we were attacked by one of the blood hydra beasts.. Fortunately we have fought these before and knew what to expect.. We did a LOT of damage to it.. and Captain V went down.. I moved foward to protect him as best as I could. Shortly after that. The beast was defeated. And Bricky wa able to use the throne.. I took some detailed sketches and even got a few beakers of fluid. The horrible sounds that that contraption made when it was working on Bricky.. I'm not magics.. I understand a bit about it though.. and I am not sure what was going on, but it was unholy.. and so many souls were involved... not much scares me... but that did... "Drexla flies up on Captain V's shoulder , wraps her arms around his neck and buries her head into his collar trying to drown out the noise." I hope this ends soon..