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Sun 9th Jul 2023 02:08

Demons Come

by Drexla Goldsprocket

Where to begin.. Its been a while since my last journal. So much has happened. Captain V and i went to speak to the Loxodon Chieftain, He was living it up at a big party with a ton of other Loxodons.. (giggle.. a ton of Loxodons.. that would be just ONE of those huge things). Anyhow. He was less than helpful.. He kept saying how we wanted to change tradition.. while changing tradition himself.. Rules for thee but not for me.. Typical "elite" leadership.. V was able to make a deal for some of his wares.. I though it was good money, but decided a upcharge was needed, so I planted one of my transportation modules in the bag. Was a pretty good score later if I do say so myself, of course I split it with the captain, 50/50. Without him I don't think I would be here. He is quiet but at his heart he is quite courageous. I can see the many qualities that Lady Kree saw in him. She was attracted to his blue scales.. But there is so much more to him than that. The Captain seemed very pleased by the upgrades i gave him. I was able to make him so much more effective. His 1st shot on the big demon was AMAZING!. I am already working on future plans and upgrades. The tougher he is the safer we both are. (Gets distracted and starts drawing in her schematics book)
Anyhow, Bricky and Miguel showed up, Miguel was seeking revenge against Bogbean. She made a peace offering that knocked him out. Bricky told us that he doesn't remember anything. We informed him that he killed at least one person.. His master (The Doctor) is a Demon, the Demon and the teleportation circles are linked to the Mr. Peepers bullshit, and I believe the same person is behind it all. To top it off Bricky is now indentured to Miguel. What a pain in the ass.
I need to find a way to break this control or at least block it. I searched Miguel for clues, but there wasn't much there except a awfully bad drawn contract for services.. Miguel is so screwed.. what kind of moron would sign something like that.. Oh well.. not my problem.. I did however find a bag of coin. I kept it as I will need funds to make something to help Bricky. Miguel woke up looking for it. I suggested maybe he got pickpocketed or dropped it in the crown on the way here. Bricky asked why I took it. I didn't really give him a response. I don't want him feeling guilty that I took it to try and help him. He asked if we still trusted him. How stupid does he think we are?? Ummm.. no.. I don't trust someone who can't even trust themselves. who can be impelled to do anything someone else tells him. I don't want to end up like that hume lady. Until he is fixed. He is a liability.
We decided to go ahead with our fight later. I got some good upgrades ready to help, a couple surprises, but it will still be a tough fight and i am not looking forward to it. For all intents and purposes we are in hostile territory, anything that weakens one of us, weakens all of us and leaves us all vulnerable. Once we got there the Chieftain announced that not only CAN we fight to the death.. we MUST fight to the death, he blamed us for killing a minotaur. We have killed some people but I've never even seen that guy ("This is some bull shit" Drexla begins giggling to herself again). I could see that didn't sit well with some of the Mirrin we have tried to help during our time here. I suggested we fight and hopefully put on a good enough show where the Mirrin will back us against their leader and not try and force us to end each other. Typical arena style. But another option came up.. he offered to fight us all alone.
I jumped on that offer.. He looked tough, but I would rather fight with my companions any day. So I convinced them that this was our best option. He accepted and came down to the arena. That's when shit went haywire. He clapped and told Bricky to continue with their plan. Bricky pulled the obsidian rock out of his pocket and jammed it into the ground (oh, you don't trust me? FML). The arena was enclosed with a reddish shield. And both the Chieftain and the dead minotaur transformed into demons. The rock in the middle exploded and blood tentacles shot up.. the sky opened and a huge demon came out of the portal. As i mentioned earlier V got an amazing shot with his new dagger, but unfortunately it didn't seem to do what we had hoped. The demons turned and left to wreak havoc on the town , leaving us to fight this tentacle hydra thingy. I directed Ora (my owl) to "Help" Captain V. He did amazing, we all blasted away at the creature trying to destroy it before it got bigger. I got grappled, was freed from that, then was knocked out. Tobias was able to save me though. We fought our way back to the wagon. Destroying demons left and right. One of Captain V's crewmates showed up looking for him and helped fight side by side. I am impressed by the loyalty shown by his crew. I think I made the right choice signing up.
We get back to the Wagon and who do we see there? That Gold Leonin that tried to capture me to sell for my bounty.. Not only that, he was stealing our Wagon.. We fought him and knocked him out. For the sake of time and to avoid future issues. I walked up and was attempting to end him. I shot him once. and was preparing to shoot again when Luna got between us. Captain V took the opportunity to try and finish him as well, Luna jumped in front of the blade and was knocked out. This didn't concern her, He doesn't have a bounty on her.. he has one on ME. We have enough on our plate with Demons and a out of control Bricky. We don't need a bounty hunter after us as I am sure the contract is still open. We ended up taking them both with us, but it will be so sad when the Leonin's injuries were just too severe and he doesn't make it to our next stop. Even asleep he is a threat to me. He could roll over on me in his sleep and suffocate me till I die.. These people just don't understand when EVERYTHING is a life threatening danger to you.
I saw Bricky's eyes turn red when i shot the Leonin. We have all killed people.. why is this so different? Kobolds are people, as evidenced by Miguel being part of our group at the start. Yet we have killed Kobolds.. Bricky killed at least 1 UNARMED DEFENSELESS Hume lady. I have seen him literally suck the life force from creatures to power his abilities. Bogbean, "his best friend" ate Miguels tail as he lay unconcious, RUINING HIS LIFE" and thats ok? I really don't feel he has the high ground to judge anyone, particularly me, when I am the one being targeted by this Leonin. Especially after the shit-show at the arena.. yea buddy.. my eyes are red for you too..