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Sun 23rd Apr 2023 05:39

The Journal Entry’s title

by Drexla Goldsprocket

Today has been a good day!
I managed to overhear Bricky asking about a Cobblers Tool kit.. I offered to make one for him, but he hasn't got any money. I know what its like to be lost and alone so I did a little scavenging and accumulated the parts needed to create it. It constantly amazes me how much stuff is just left laying around for anyone to repurpose.
Anyhow after a quick jaunt around the campground i made him a pretty nice Cobblers Toolkit. He asked what I wanted in return.. I requested protection. He hasn't got money but he's big enough he can offer that at least. I know its just a matter of time before the Crazy 88 find me. On a good note though they stick out like crazy around all these animal people. To be honest I am amazed I haven't seen them yet.
The next day we had the tournament. I wanted to be close to Captain V and the pretty elf so I suggested we team up. At first she wasn't terribly thrilled with the idea but after the first round she seemed pretty excited about the prospects of future fights.
The first match with Bricky, Bogbean and Tobias was insane. Bogbean is a fierce fighter and appears to have no fear of anything. Those Loxodon people were huge and they can take some serious hits! But she was on them like a spider monkey. She even took off the remaining hand of one of them.. After Miguel losing his tail and now this.. I am sensing a pattern.
I am not looking forward to fighting our group, but on a good note, if that happens one of us are at least guaranteed to win. Bricky did some serious damage with some kind of mental necrotic or psionic attack. I haven't ever seen anything like that I do need to do some more research on him and his construction. Unfortunately he went down before they won.
Our fight did not go as well. We lost Cpt V fairly early on. I threw my smoke bombs to help even the playing field a bit and used flight and terrain to stay out of reach. Luna was very impressive with her spells and her hair abilities. And ultimately we won. We need to work a bit on tactics for the next fight.
When we got back to our camp i saw a strange Shadow Bricky.. it was solid enough to knock things off tables. I managed to follow it for a bit before losing it in the crowd. I reported this to Luna as its a bit out of my expertise field, I'm not sure she believed me, or even thought maybe I was mistaken. I was not, Bricky has a pretty unique build. especially in this realm of animal people. I know it was him. or at least part of him. I just don't know what it means. So many unanswered questions. That really bothers me
After this i did a quick aerial magic survey of the surrounding merchants. Magic does NOT seem to be very strong among the animal races. A few minor pings here and there, though i did see the scroll merchant had left some scrolls sitting unattended on his table. He obviously didn't care that much about them, i mean,, ANYONE could have wandered off with them.. a strong wind could have came alone and blown them away... it could have even rained and ruined them.. So I took it upon myself to grab one to protect it. I think my grappler needs some work as it got caught on something on the way back to me. But i powered my gauntlet and yanked it up anyhow.
I have a really great idea for a invention that allows me to shoot scrolls and turn them into a AOE affect on my target. As soon as i find some good scrolls it will be interesting, this burning hands scroll will be a good test subject.
(lays back on top of a tent and begins scrawling the plans for her invention)
I lost track of time as usual working on my new invention, but i feel its time to head back to the group and see what's going on there.
Tomorrow is a new day and a new fight. I hope our group wins!