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Sat 29th Jul 2023 05:44

The Great Escape

by Drexla Goldsprocket

Well journal.. it seems fate is on my side.. Capt V and I followed Luna, Lincoln and Tobias into the wagon. Of course Tobias healed Luna. Its unfortunate that she was injured, but she really shouldn't have thrown herself in front of the Capt'ns blade. Specially f0r that kitty, i don't understand self sacrifice like that.. Specially for someone you don't know.. who was trying to kidnap and steal from your companions.
While Tobias kitty worked I took a couple shots at him, but its hard to hit people laying down in a moving wagon apparently. If Luna and Tobias weren't there I woulda just shoved a smoke grenade or two down his throat, set them off, and called it a day. Fortunately for me, in Toby's attempt to manually heal him, he pulled out one of my barbed crossbow bolts, and the resulting damage took him out.. Toby looked sad, but at least I can't be blamed for it now. It seems a waste we chucked him out the back. Coulda fed Bogbean for a week off that big guy, and imo it would have been fitting considering he had a list of body parts from other humanoids to collect, .. and I coulda made a warm fur coat out of his hide. That would teach these bounty hunters to mess with me and mine. At least i got this neat ring off him. it makes a cute fashion accessory belt if I do say so myself. I wonder what the meaning of it is though?
A bunch of Tabaxi refugees came through our camp. They were in pretty bad shape, but having no magic and no healing skills there wasn't much I could do, and tbh I don't much care... Not my circus, not my monkeys (kittys). So i went to sleep. Luna and Toby stayed up all night helping triage what they could. I still don't understand caring that much about it. I mean. we will probably never see these people again.. They really didn't seem to much want our help.. And more than likely they will die on the way to wherever they are heading. Seems a lot of work for little reward.
We spent the next month travelling back to the city, we opted for a slower speed, and attempted to gather supplies on the way.. Yet again. I cant find shit, to be honest, I don't even know what the hell i'm looking for.. roots? trees? Shinys? Fuckifiknow, it appears i found some Curative regeants, so once i figured out what they looked like, I focused on gathering those the rest of the week.. Tobias killed a mammoth. or a herd of mammoths. i dunno, but he brought back a TON of meat and Hides, and somehow Bricky managed to find some Primal Essences!!! I really need to see what i can trade for them. I could make some good permanently powered inventions with those I believe. ..
Thank god for this wagon or we would really be roughing it, I am SO not a country girl, put me in the city though and I can work my magic.. I miss a nice cozy bed.. clean sheets, a soft warm breeze blowing through a open window, the smell of food cooking in the inn.. I did my best at gathering, but get distracted too easily. Always thoughts going through my head. New inventions, new plans, new schematics, how I can make myself useful to the Captain, SQUIRREL!!!... where was I... oh.. yea.. inventions. I really need to talk to the captain about getting a workshop set up on the ship.. and being able to take the ship with us.. a folding ship would be great.. but where would the crew go? we cant fold them... yet.. hmmmm maybe I could shrink them.. like a ship in a bottle we can carry around {begins drawing schematics for a shrink ray .. and for a walking ship.. wouldn't that be awesome..) I have so many thoughts about Bricky.. I cannot trust him. His red eye thinks I am dangerous or a obstacle. I need to figure out a way to break whoever's control over him. Or in the meantime figure out a way to nullify him if he goes whackadoodle again, its too dangerous to the group.
We finally get back to the town and Captain V had to settle up with the harbormaster.. what a ripoff. Then we had to haggle with the other captains to get extra gangplanks. We talked to a broke-assed Aaracokra, then we talked to a ship of frog people. I felt a serious need to hide from them as I have BEEN in one of their mouths.. it was not a pleasant experience.. I hid on Captain v's person as he negotiated, for some reason Captain was struck by lightning,, AGAIN!.. i need to ask him what's going on with that. I mean.. if its going to keep happening i need to find a way to ground him or gather the electricity {Drexla begins scribbling a schematic for a pointed metal cone insulated with rubber filling and wires leading to a belt mounted battery)
After some successful negotiating and a handshake with the Froggy captain (Captain V wasn't acting right after) and we began to bring back our gangplanks. I t was a struggle to get the wagon on the ship, but thanks to my quick reflexes and grappling hook anchor and the groups muscle, we managed to get it on there and secure it. After a quick introduction to the crew we set sail. I located the ships weaponry and began upgrading it. Its quite a bit bigger than i am used to but the principal is the same. We have 1 ballista but with my upgrades we can out-firepower most other ships twice our size, however, that's only good when I am with the ship and have tech available. At least i think i can make a autoloader for regular bolts while we sail, better than nothing for now.
The 1st mate and Captain were quite impressed with my 1st show, blowing up spots on the beach. I decided to show them the "Flotsam retrieval Device" . Hoping to haul up some food for lunch I shot into the water.. and some large red scaly creature hitched a ride up. He didn't look happy, but at least the invention was a success!!!.