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Mon 18th Jul 2022 09:41

Monday Rain Out

by Shady King of Theives

It's still storming when Shady wakes up after a dream at 3am. She hears mom downstairs so she quickly gets dressed and goes to talk to her. Mom reports there are dead crows falling with the rain and hail, and there's some flooding. Shady texts Sam, who confirms to stay inside and keep Connor safe. Shady goes back to bed, and has an interactive dream with Connor. when she wakes up it is still raining. They spend a lot of time just enjoying each others company in bed. Shady is able to text with Sam again. Still no details on the battle and what caused all the rain, flooding and dead birds. They have breakfast with mom, make love again now they they have both said the L word to each other. They both shower and stream artwork to be distracted. It's an easy day as they are kept inside by the rain, they both spend the day together blissfully and go to bed.
At 3am Shady is roused from a jumbled dream by the sound of moaning outside. She investigates and finds Sophia very wounded. She and Jeremy were attacked by a titan spawn or a titan corrupted scion, Jeremy dropped her there and led the thing away. Shady wakes Mom to help heal Sophia. Shady notifies Donnor (since Thom is still in Vegas), Donnor and Leo bring in Jeremy. Shady has a discussion with them, that leads her to want to talk to Coyote.