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Mon 18th Jul 2022 09:57

Connor Visited

by Shady King of Theives

Shady goes in her closet while Connor sleeps, takes the peyote, has a very trippy dream and talks to Coyote. Coyote tells Shady if she visits Connor, forcing Hemildlr to visit, shady will have to build herself up again. Shady agrees, and Coyote gives her a boon to help her. When Shady comes out of her drug stupor, Coyote is talking with Connor. They talk, Coyote tells Connor that Shady is Skieros, and Connor has officially had his visitation with his mother. Not long after that Hemidlr comes to visit Connor. Shady notifies Sam who comes over. Connor is still in state of shock but he, shady and Sam talk. Connor decides he wants to do something since he is restless, his first request is to break into the school. Sam, Connor and Shady break into the school and go up to the roof. Connor then decides he wants to go to Vegas and knock off a casino, which is lovely idea for Shady. they leave the school, Sam goes home, Shady tells mom what's up & packs, they go to connors house. Soon they are on the way to Vegas.
At Vegas, they get a hotel room and Connor tries out a new power. After hitting the sheets they go out to knock over a crooked casino for 2.4 million. Connor is the perfect partner for Shady, acting accordingly and carrying his own. Back at the hotel she tells him about Thom and about Nico. they go out to have fun, eat, shop and gamble their money. Connor makes even more money gambling. They go back to the room for more fun times.